
Books? Textbooks? Share them globally with Rotary’s help Saturday

Ready for spring cleaning – including reading material you don’t need any more? The Rotary Club of West Seattle invites you to donate it next Saturday:

The West Seattle Rotary Club, along with many Rotary Clubs across the United States, is accepting donations of gently used or new books that will be sent to underserved communities in South Africa and other southern African nations. Books for all ages are welcome, for example:

§ Picture/story books (pre-K and up)
§ Teen and adult fiction
§ K-12 textbooks in sets of 10 or more (world history is okay; U.S. history is discouraged)
§ Current professional books (medical books, international law, etc.)
§ Encyclopedia sets (less than 20 years old)
§ Magazines – National Geographic, Smithsonian (please, no news magazines)

Your donation will be gratefully accepted on Saturday, March 9th, between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at 3925 SW Alaska Street (the empty used car lot on the southeast corner of SW Alaska Street and 40th Avenue SW – just west of the Howden-Kennedy Funeral Home at 3909 SW Alaska Street).

Cash donations of any amount are also being accepted to help with the cost of shipping the books to Africa. Make checks payable to: “District 5030 Service Fund” and send to: West Seattle Rotary, 6523 California Avenue SW, PMB 315, Seattle, WA 98136.

If you have any questions, you may contact Rotarian Martha Sidlo at (206) 933-8008.

6 Replies to "Books? Textbooks? Share them globally with Rotary's help Saturday"

  • Nw mama March 4, 2013 (8:56 am)

    Is it tax deductible?

  • Que March 4, 2013 (9:45 am)

    Picture books and teen fiction can often be donated to our local schools for use in their libraries and classrooms to help kids in our local region with having to ship them halfway around the world.

  • M. Sidlo March 4, 2013 (5:10 pm)

    According to the Rotary District coordinator, Rotary District 5030 is a 502(c)(3), so donations can be deductible.

  • W. Gouws March 5, 2013 (9:50 pm)

    Thank you for helping South Africa with a few books. Growing up in SA I know it will make a huge difference even if people don’t think so. I will gladly donate a few books just help my country out.
    Thanks Rotary Club

  • AJP March 9, 2013 (3:41 pm)

    I missed the drop-off time! Is there somewhere else I can drop them off this week?

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