The formal Metro announcement is coming up later today, but thanks to a tweet from our north-end neighborhood-news friends at Ravenna Blog, we’ve learned that the key points of the next “service change” are now available online. You’ll find them here – be sure to click through the tabs and expandable text boxes to explore the whole thing. For West Seattle, changes are mentioned for two routes – here’s the exact verbiage for 21:
All afternoon and evening southbound trips to Westwood Village will continue from the terminal at SW Barton St & 29th Ave SW via 26th Ave SW, SW Roxbury St, 35th Ave SW and SW Barton St before returning to Westwood Village.
And for 55:
On weekdays, two morning peak period trips to downtown Seattle have been added leaving California Ave SW & SW Atlantic St at 6:34 and 8:17 am. Also, two afternoon peak period trips to the Admiral District have been added leaving 6th Ave & Blanchard St at 4:54 and 5:11 pm. These trips were added during the fall service change.
Some existing trips will also be revised to improve service frequency, including a new partial northbound trip to the Admiral District leaving 35th Ave SW & SW Oregon St at 7:22 am.
While there’s no mention of Route 50, Metro’s Jeff Switzer re-confirmed to WSB via e-mail that the previously announced plan to switch to its originally mapped route WILL take effect with this service change. Watch for more details later today; when Metro’s official announcement is out, we’ll add it here.
4:45 PM: Here’s the official Metro announcement, including word of a new type of timetable that they’re testing.