West Seattle, Washington
02 Sunday
That surveillance camera image, says Pete, shows a thief rolling his package away – after an earlier image showed her heading toward his house with nothing in the stroller/cart. He says the theft happened Friday of last week: “I reported it to the police but I was seeing other people in the Highland Park area also reporting missing packages. … I live in the area of 14th and Thistle … be on the lookout for people using this tactic.”
From Admiral, Brian reports his vehicle was broken into – in the underground garage of his building in the 2600 block of 42nd SW:
Sometime during the night of 2/20 or early morning of 2/21 my Suburban was burgled while parked in the underground parking garage. They smashed two windows and stole several thousand dollars of professional video and audio equipment. The officer who took my report said there had been several other parking garage incidents in the WS area, going along with the general rise in crime in our neighborhood.
Be careful … parking in a “secure” garage isn’t a guarantee of safety!
And a reminder: Your next chance to learn more about crime prevention/crimefighting is this Tuesday night when the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meets at 6:30, Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster) – mail theft and mail fraud are the focus. All welcome, even if you’re not part of a Block Watch (yet).
The Schmitz Park Elementary gym hosted a tournament all day – but its standard equipment, the hoops and climbing wall, went unused: This was the first-ever West Seattle Chess Tournament, as announced here a month ago. All day long during the five-round tournament with students from around the city – not just SP – young players faced off (our photos were taken just before a round), then waited for their next opponents to be posted, while the room was set up again:
Parents took photos and judges kept watch.
As the day progressed, trophies awaited:
The tournament was presented by the educational Chess Mates Foundation, led by chess champion/International Master Georgi Orlov, whose organization is working on something that has people excited for next year, when for the first time, the Washington State Elementary Chess Championships will be held in Seattle in 2014 (a website is in the works here). That event’s project manager Ryan Schmierer talked with us on the sidelines of today’s event and told us it hasn’t been held in Seattle before because of venue size challenges – but it’s set now for the relatively new Seattle cruise terminal at Magnolia’s Smith Cove.
March 8-9 will launch spring/summer sale season in West Seattle – we’ve already published one reason why, and here’s the other! From West Side Presbyterian Church:
Come to West Side Presbyterian March 8th from 9 am to 5 pm and Saturday March 9th from 9 am to 2 pm. Over 200 families contribute to this famous sale! Quality clothing, housewares, furniture, jewelry; real and costume, books, and more! Free coffee available all day and baked goods for sale. All proceeds from this sale benefit youth-outreach programs at West Side Presbyterian Church. 3601 California Ave SW, 206-935-4477
Two side notes:
1. WSB-sponsored West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is May 11th – we’ll start talking here (and on the WSCGSD Facebook page) about signups in just a few weeks.
2. When time comes for your own garage/yard sale – here’s how to share the news via WSB.
The Atomic Boys namesakes themselves, Max and Quinn, had stepped out just before we stopped by, but we did get their atomic parents Parris and Kent Sadow to pose in honor of their Admiral District shop’s fifth anniversary. You are welcome to stop by the retro toys, novelty, candy, etc. shop till about 6 today (4311 SW Admiral Way) and enjoy a five-cent retro soda in honor of the occasion. We asked what’s new – always a challenging question if your shop deals in what’s old as well as new – and did learn they are now official Kit-Cat Clock dealers:
No small feat, we’re told. The distinctive moving-eyes-and-tail clocks are celebrating their 80th anniversary, Kent pointed out. While 5 years is a fraction of that, we can attest to the fact it’s a big deal for a small business (having marked our own 5th two months ago), so congratulations, Atomic Boys!
(City of Seattle photo)
Another chance to dig in and help out next Saturday (and in this case, beyond)! South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) is right next to the West Duwamish Greenbelt, the largest remaining contiguous forest in our city, and some of its students are hoping to round up some help as they join the ongoing work to help it recover:
Join the South Seattle Community College Ecological Restoration Class, along with our sponsoring partners, the Nature Consortium and Green Seattle Partnership, as we turn a section of the forest from a long- neglected and wounded place to a once again vital forest habitat, protecting the bank from erosion, building habitat for wildlife and reinvigorating and extending the life of our neighborhood backyard forest.
Volunteering can be very rewarding! This work will be!
3 CHANCES TO PARTICIPATE Sat, March 2nd, Thurs. Mar. 7th & Sat. Mar. 9th 10 am-2 pm
Meet at 10:00 a.m. at 14th & Holly (Holly is two blocks south of campus). Wear warm clothes (layers allow for fluctuations), long- sleeves and good sturdy boots (Wellingtons okay). You will get dirty! And so will your clothes and your shoes and your nose; that’s all just a part of the fun. Tools, work gloves, snacks and coffee will be provided.
Please bring a bottle of water, preferably reusable. Litter in the forest is comprised of pine needles and other natural debris!
3 Chances to Serve/Work/Volunteer/Give Back Any way you want to think about it, get outside and be a part of nature as you contribute to making it a better place for all.
Contact Daniel at dmcollins1962@gmail.com to RSVP or just show up at 10!
(Not the cleanup site, but not far! Beauty shot from Michael of the Beach Creeps)
Even before the crowds of spring and summer arrive, Alki Beach and points south need a helping hand or two, or ten, or a hundred. A group of bicycling friends is hoping you’ll lend yours for their planned cleanup one week from today – or at least donate trash bags and gloves:
The Alki Beach Creeps Bicycle Club is planning on doing a beach cleanup, March 2nd at noon.
We are going to start at Constellation Park and pick up as much of the trash as we can that afternoon. There is a HUGE mass of styrofoam and plastic on that side of the beach, along with a lot of random trash. We feel that it’s important to give back to our community and will do our best with our limited resources to do our part.
We have 15 members or so but anyone is free to attend. Trash bags, gloves, and beer (to keep us motivated) will gladly be accepted. Thank you very much and we look forward to your help keeping Alki looking creepy!
For questions about donations, please feel free to E-Mail: Michael D. Adams (Director of Marketing) at brothamichael@mac.com
Guy Olson/Willis Mathiasen
Alki Beach Creeps Bicycle Club
Yes, we’re sure they know the rules; the beer’s no doubt for afterward. Anyway, now that spring cleanup season is here, let us know about yours – editor@westseattleblog.com – we already have a few more announcements in queue.
Meet the 7 Pirate Pandas – from left, Max, Ethan, Jonathan, Marcel, Lucas, Max. They are the winning Global Reading Challenge team from Arbor Heights Elementary after competition on Friday afternoon. Ten teams of 4th and 5th graders started the afternoon, answered questions about the 10 books that had to be read by this year’s competitors — and the Pirate Pandas, all 4th graders in Ms. Boitano’s class (per a parent volunteer who shared info and the photo), emerged victorious. The GRC is a Seattle Public Library-led program, and seven West Seattle elementaries are among the contenders again this year. The semi-finals are at the downtown library the week of March 11th, and then the finalists face off there on March 26th.
(Northern Flicker photographed in Lincoln Park earlier this month by Mark Wangerin)
Happy weekend! Just some of what’s on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for today/tonight:
ATOMIC BOYS’ 5TH ANNIVERSARY: The retro toy/candy/more shop in The Admiral District is celebrating its 5th anniversary 10 am-6 pm today with specials including five-cent retro soda. 4311 SW Admiral Way; more here.
THE BRIDGE’S 2ND ANNIVERSARY: Specials and raffles as the drinks-and-food-and-fun place on 35th SW just south of SW Avalon Way turns two. Raffling starts at 8; details here.
BARLEYWINE BACCHANAL: Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW) launches its 11th annual celebration, with today’s focus on Washington beverages, as listed here. Starts at noon.
DADDY-DAUGHTER DANCE: 4-6 pm at the West Seattle Christian Church Activity Center on 42nd between Genesee and Oregon. Free admission, but registration appreciated.
RAT CITY ROLLERGIRLS IN WHITE CENTER! Four teams from RCRG will bout at Southgate Roller Rink (9646 17th SW), doors open 5:30 pm, skating at 6 pm. Details in our calendar listing.
PURIM CELEBRATIONS: Two local celebrations of the Jewish holiday – 5:30 pm at Kol Haneshamah (62nd and Hinds), details here … 7:30 pm with the West Seattle Torah Learning Center; RSVP requested by e-mail or phone, contact info’s in the calendar listing.
OWL PROWL AT CAMP LONG: Check fast to see if there’s still room! Here’s how. 5:30 pm, 5200 35th SW.
TALK MONEY AND POLITICS: The social-justice committee of WSUU invites you to join the discussion – detailed here – 6 pm at the church, 7141 California SW.
FAUNTLEROY FUNDRAISER: Roo and The Few with Delia Finney, performing a benefit at the Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall (9140 California SW), 7 pm.
HA-HA’S FOR TA-TA’S: Help breast-cancer-fighting Team Tracy raise money, while laughing it up with local comedy at ArtsWest (4711 California SW), 8 pm. Ticket info’s on the Facebook event page.
MORE NIGHTLIFE: Live music in more than a few places – see the calendar.
NOT IN WEST SEATTLE, BUT … #1: The Northwest Flower and Garden Show continues today and tomorrow at the Convention Center downtown, and is sponsoring WSB to make sure you get the word about the big show.
NOT IN WEST SEATTLE, BUT … #2: The Seattle Home Show continues today too, with exhibitors including WSB sponsor Potter Construction.
(99 at S. Atlantic. You should see NB traffic on the right through the weekend, but no SB traffic on the left)
WSDOT is scheduled to be closing Highway 99 right now for a weekend of preparations preceding a year-plus of work to rebuild the so-called “Timber Bridge” section south of the West Seattle Bridge. Here’s what’s closed:
*Only closed from S. Nevada to the WS Bridge – the exit from the eastbound WS Bridge WILL stay open and you CAN go NB on 99 from here
*Closed from the Battery Street Tunnel to S. Nevada, so this weekend you CAN’T get to the West Seattle Bridge from SB 99
*See it here
*The “Timber Bridge” will run two northbound and one southbound lane throughout construction. Here’s a look at how that’s supposed to work.
(First two photos by WSB’s Katie Meyer)
1:04 AM: Most of the units are being canceled, but if you’re west of The Junction in the 48th/Hudson area, the initial response was for a “heavy rescue” call related to a crashed truck. First crews on the scene say the person in the truck got out OK, so there’s no need for “heavy rescue,” which usually means someone has to be cut out of wreckage.
1:30 AM: WSB’s Katie Meyer reports from the scene that the driver is indeed OK; the truck is on its side against a hedge. This is an intersection with a traffic circle, since 48th SW otherwise is a long straightaway – through residential neighborhoods – from Seaview to Genesee (and this intersection also is where you can head west toward Jacobsen for access to Beach Drive). We’re adding a photo from neighbor David atop the story for starters. Katie, meantime, says that the intersection is not blocked, so late-night drivers can still get to/through that area.
2:07 AM: Added Katie’s photos; neighbor David sent new ones as the wreckage was handled by a tow crew, so that’s what you see over this paragraph. Katie was told at the scene that it did not appear to be a high-speed crash – maybe 30 to 40 mph, though that’s fast enough at an intersection with a traffic circle.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON P.S. This has been classified as a DUI investigation.