2 weeks till sale season: West Side Presbyterian’s announcement

February 23, 2013 4:44 pm
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March 8-9 will launch spring/summer sale season in West Seattle – we’ve already published one reason why, and here’s the other! From West Side Presbyterian Church:

Come to West Side Presbyterian March 8th from 9 am to 5 pm and Saturday March 9th from 9 am to 2 pm. Over 200 families contribute to this famous sale! Quality clothing, housewares, furniture, jewelry; real and costume, books, and more! Free coffee available all day and baked goods for sale. All proceeds from this sale benefit youth-outreach programs at West Side Presbyterian Church. 3601 California Ave SW, 206-935-4477

Two side notes:

1. WSB-sponsored West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is May 11th – we’ll start talking here (and on the WSCGSD Facebook page) about signups in just a few weeks.

2. When time comes for your own garage/yard sale – here’s how to share the news via WSB.

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