Update: 2 officers hurt, 1 arrest after 42nd/Charlestown incident

5:14 PM: Thanks to everyone who has messaged us about the big police response – we saw several of the lights/siren cars heading north ourselves. We’re at the scene of an incident involving a car at 42nd and Charlestown (we’ve counted eight SPD cars so far). Someone is believed to be hurt – there’s just been a Seattle Fire Department car to come help. Still sorting out details, and will add as we find out more.

5:20 PM UPDATE: We’ve learned this started as a “help the officer” call – and it appears medics are checking out an officer. This is all unfolding just east of the old Charlestown Café. (added) Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Steve Paulsen confirms an officer was assaulted by a suspect after a traffic stop. He says the suspect is under arrest.

6:04 PM UPDATE: New information from Capt. Paulsen – two officers were hurt; he says, “the suspect was under arrest and tried to drive off as the officer was trying to bring him out of the car. The suspect was also in possession of suspected controlled substances.” The injured officers, he says, are at Harborview Medical Center.

8:47 PM UPDATE: More details from SPD Blotter – including word that a citizen who tried to help got hurt. Read on for the narrative:

An adult male suspect assaulted an officer and a sergeant this afternoon while they attempted to prevent the suspect from fleeing the scene of a traffic stop. At approximately 4:45 p.m. a uniformed female officer on patrol observed a male suspect who was driving a black Kia run a red light on California Avenue SW at SW Charlestown Street. After running the red light the suspect almost struck the officer’s patrol car. The officer conducted a traffic stop on the suspect at 42nd Avenue SW and SW Charlestown Street. A patrol sergeant responded to the scene to back up the officer.
Upon further investigation it was discovered that the suspect had no driver’s license and no identification on his person, and provided a false identity to the officer. At one point during the stop the suspect attempted to drive away from the scene at which point the officer physically intervened to stop him. A struggle ensued between the officer and the suspect at which point the sergeant intervened.

An adult male citizen who observed the altercation jumped in to assist the officers.

The suspect was eventually taken into custody.

The officer, the sergeant and the citizen were all injured in the struggle. The citizen was examined by fire department medics and released from the scene with non-life-threatening injuries. The female officer and male sergeant were also examined by medics at the scene and subsequently transported to Harborview Medical Center for treatment of their non-life-threatening injuries. The suspect was not injured.

After a further records check on the suspect officers verified that the suspect was wanted on an outstanding King County Sheriff’s Office felony burglary warrant. The suspect was also found to be in possession of narcotics.

The 28-year-old male suspect was transported to the Southwest Precinct for processing and will be booked into the King County Jail on the following charges: Felony Assault on an Officer (x2), Felony Assault on a citizen, Felony Possession of Narcotics, and on the Felony Burglary warrant.

12:26 AM UPDATE: The suspect is now in jail. This is his tenth jail stay this year – most for one or two days, except for two months in February/March/April, and six days in August. Several appear to relate back to a burglary case cited in the first jail booking of the year – a case with 4 counts of burglary, filed exactly one year ago today (November 14, 2011). Detailed online court documents aren’t accessible at this hour, so we won’t be able to look up the specific case till later this morning.

27 Replies to "Update: 2 officers hurt, 1 arrest after 42nd/Charlestown incident"

  • Erin November 13, 2012 (5:36 pm)

    Several fire trucks, medics and cops headed to the Sanislow Elementary area around the same time. Any word on that?

    • WSB November 13, 2012 (5:38 pm)

      There is a two-unit medic response in that general vicinity. Don’t know what it’s about. We only started chasing this one when co-publisher Patrick was passed by four lights/sirens cars on 35th SW … the messages followed … your comment is the first mention of the other one.

  • jwws November 13, 2012 (5:47 pm)

    hearing helicopters to the east of Genesee Hill, part of the same response?

  • Steph November 13, 2012 (5:48 pm)

    Is this why the helicopter just went by?

  • Christine November 13, 2012 (5:49 pm)

    Helicopter just few low over our house in the Gatewood/38th and Morgan area and heading south.

  • Mel November 13, 2012 (5:57 pm)

    Helicopter hovering over Roxbury and 11th area????

  • craig thomas November 13, 2012 (6:00 pm)

    Helicopter around my house Roxbury and 12 th avenue. Don’t know what’s going on

    • WSB November 13, 2012 (6:10 pm)

      As mentioned, that’s a different story. Please go back to the home page, it’s atop there, and atop our White Center site http://whitecenternow.com -thanks!

  • NorDel November 13, 2012 (6:11 pm)

    Our prayers are with the injured officers.

  • DF November 13, 2012 (6:23 pm)

    Was the suspect arrested then? Or did he/she sped off or on foot? Thank you

    • WSB November 13, 2012 (6:27 pm)

      They were arrested at the scene, as I understand it from Capt. Paulsen.

  • 35th_resident November 13, 2012 (6:27 pm)

    Very sorry to hear about the injuries. Thank you SPD for putting it on the line to keep our area safe and crime free.

  • Brenda November 13, 2012 (6:51 pm)

    Thank you SPD. Best wishes for the two officers taken to Harborview & their families.

  • Paul November 13, 2012 (8:23 pm)

    Let’s not forget that our SPD is protecting us while under enormous attack from the press and the Feds! I have nothing but admiration for Seattle cops.

    • WSB November 13, 2012 (8:47 pm)

      More details just in tonight via SPD Blotter – I’m adding to the story.

  • Chrisd November 13, 2012 (10:03 pm)

    How many times have we heard the same story; troubled individual, assaults police, outstanding warrant…….anyone have any ideas for solutions?

  • WSB November 14, 2012 (12:31 am)

    Suspect in this one is now in jail too. Tenth time this year.

  • RT November 14, 2012 (2:55 am)

    Just because someone is in jail doesn’t make them a bad person.

  • U25C November 14, 2012 (5:13 am)

    Thank you, SPD.

  • Rumbles November 14, 2012 (6:33 am)

    Time to throw the book at this dude! Glad the 2 SPD and the citizen who helped came out okay in this!

  • NWmama November 14, 2012 (6:34 am)

    Rt- assaulting three people makes them a bad person. And that long history of burglaries points in that direction too.

    Is there a “thank a police officer day?” I feel grateful for their work and feel my words of thanks aren’t enough.

  • MetalJesusRocks November 14, 2012 (6:55 am)

    Ten times in jail…in one year?! Clearly this guy is terrible at his current “profession” and may want to consider a career change.

  • cr November 14, 2012 (7:59 am)

    RT you don’t go to jail for helping an old lady across the street. You go for stealing her purse…

  • KT November 14, 2012 (8:09 am)

    “Just because someone is in jail doesn’t make them a bad person.”
    “…will be booked into the King County Jail on the following charges: Felony Assault on an Officer (x2), Felony Assault on a citizen, Felony Possession of Narcotics, and on the Felony Burglary warrant.”
    “This is his tenth jail stay this year…”
    Um, OK.

    • WSB November 14, 2012 (8:12 am)

      Researching the case that the previous jail bookings this year almost all link to – it’s a doozy in itself. Stealing from college dorm rooms, pawning the items, to support a heroin addiction. Not clear what he was doing here; his last listed address in one public database was Kent.

  • Dale November 14, 2012 (9:08 am)


  • M November 14, 2012 (9:33 am)

    I know lets legalize heroin next that will fix everything

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