Happening now: Got Delridge-repaving/rechannelization questions? Get answers

Chief Sealth International High School (2600 SW Thistle) is just a few blocks from the stretch of Delridge Way SW that is scheduled for a big repaving/resurfacing project next year, with some rechannelization plans included (as detailed on this city flyer). It’s also the place to take your questions, concerns, other comments, about the project, till 7:30 pm, as an open house is under way right now, with city reps on hand in the school library (go up the steps to the entrance off the main parking lot and follow the signs down the hall). No presentation is scheduled; it’s just a drop-in event. SDOT staffers on hand include the project manager as well as specialists in some of the areas involved, from pavement to traffic control. The info-boards on easels around the room include new graphics we hadn’t seen before, including two boards that explain the detours planned for southbound Delridge drivers during the year-long project:

The city expects the work to start in January, and it may include the southernmost few blocks of 16th SW in the city limits, too, if the money is found.

ADDED WEDNESDAY MORNING: We’re expecting to get the newest graphics from SDOT in a PDF we can share – but for starters, we did photograph more of them last night, and you can click ahead to see the images:

How the road will be rebuilt:

More on the detours that are planned while the work is under way – note they will be in phases:

12 Replies to "Happening now: Got Delridge-repaving/rechannelization questions? Get answers"

  • chas redmond October 2, 2012 (7:52 pm)

    Can’t really see, but those look like ridiculously-long detours. Have any of the affected neighborhoods even been contacted by SDOT?

    • WSB October 2, 2012 (8:25 pm)

      Sorry, they promised me a PDF with the new boards including those – hopefully I’ll be able to get tomorrow (I haven’t checked the website to see if by some chance it’s there already).

    • WSB October 3, 2012 (11:14 am)

      Chas – Yes. From project manager Inga Schenker this morning: “Regarding your question, yes, the newsletter indicating the detour routes via 35th was distributed to approximately 4,000 households surrounding the project area, including those on and around the detour areas.” She also has sent the PDF I requested, and I will add to the story in a bit.

  • geronimo October 2, 2012 (8:47 pm)

    detours for cyclists?

  • Pete October 2, 2012 (9:22 pm)

    I asked about the detours when I went by this evening. I specifically asked how Metro was addressing the issue. It seems no in depth discussions with Metro have taken place yet due to the new service schedule introduced in the last week I was told. As in the past I am very worried about the impacts our Delridge community is getting ready to face.

  • MSW October 2, 2012 (10:47 pm)

    After the Rapid Ride example, I’m sure Delridge area will be in for a long traffic torture.

  • Westside October 3, 2012 (8:54 am)

    Could someone explain why it takes 9-12 MONTHS to repave a mile of road? That seems a little excessive.

    • WSB October 3, 2012 (9:03 am)

      Westside – As noted at last night’s open house, and previous reports, there’s more to it than just repaving – they’re also putting in BIG drainage piping (four feet wide) in some areas. I’m asking SDOT for the PDF version of some of what was shown last night, though I will also probably just add my photos of a few of the boards I hadn’t seen previously … stand by.

  • Kelly October 3, 2012 (12:22 pm)

    I hope Phase 4 has some careful thought put into it for cyclists. That’s where my commute becomes the most dangerous. The narrowing lanes are made worse by the fact that it’s near Home Depot and there are more trucks which really squeeze you to the edge of the curb. I usually jump to the sidewalk but then you’re battling all the cars coming in-and-out of the driveways. NOT safe.

  • D I D October 3, 2012 (6:36 pm)

    Thankfully this project is not some quick and dirty pavement resurfacing project that seems to last at the most a year before failure begins. Instead, it is a complete street rebuild. Yay!!! As for the length of time required to execute, it is a BIG deal to replace sewer lines and rebuild a street, so people need to understand this isn’t point and click computer games. Relax and be thankful, and if you have concerns about the new driving lanes orientation, biking or pedestrian safety then gather them up and send them to SDOT .
    As for comment; “As in the past I am very worried about the impacts our Delridge community is getting ready to face.” Please, this is a temporary construction project for a long needed improvement. If you have extra worry energy available for “our Delridge community” — whatever that phrase means — then direct it towards the permanent placement of the 66 impoverished, addicted and mentally ill people being shoved into the hot bed of crap and poverty that already exists near Delridge Way at Findlay, Juneau and Brandon. That shelter being built isn’t a temporary road construction project with associated temporary detours, it is a permanent change to the lives of us property owners and residents, a real “Community,” and not some hollow platitude that is thrown about frequently these days. That REAL Delridge Community had absolutely no control over the siting of that shelter project and those that tried to call into question the logic, hazards and harm to the fragile business zone were shut down by people who thought, or think, they know “the community” and what is best for it. Most of that group don’t even live in “the community”. Pffff.

  • LeAnne Nelson October 4, 2012 (4:18 pm)

    Thanks to all who were able to attend our Open House Tuesday night. To clarify some points raised here, SDOT has been in discussions with Metro for many months regarding the project with coordination continuing through construction. It was in partnership with Metro that we chose the direction of the detour, and the short segments were chosen in part to based on our shared goal to reduce the number of bus stops missed during the detour. Metro is currently in the process of determining Delridge Paving Project schedule impacts and final stop locations and will communicate final decisions directly to its ridership.

    To the detour issue, motor vehicles must be directed to the nearest arterials. For work between Holden and Trenton (Phases 2 and 3) the nearest arterial with consistent connections to Delridge is 35th Avenue NW. We agree 35th is a ways out, and for that reason SDOT did consider routing traffic to 16th Avenue NW; however, Henderson and Holden are the only arterials along the project length that connect Delridge to 16th – meaning if 16th were used we would not be able to detour in smaller segments, during the current phase of work only. Instead, the detour would have to be in place for the duration of the entire project.

    Since arterials are not required for bicycle traffic detours, cyclists may either follow the motor vehicle detour or utilize neighborhood streets. These options will be clarified closer to construction.

    Lastly, Phase 4, from SW Holden to SW Orchard, does include some safety improvements that commuting cyclists will likely appreciate. That’s the section that will be getting buffered bike lanes – a 6’ bike lane on each side with a 4’ buffer (painted) between the bike lane and the vehicle travel lane.

    I hope this helps!

    SDOT Delridge Project Team

  • LeAnne Nelson October 9, 2012 (2:28 pm)

    P.S. The project MAY include Delridge Way SW and 16th Avenue SW, both between SW Henderson St and SW Roxbury St. These two added segments depend on the results of construction bids – lower bids mean funds can be stretched further – as well as potential savings from other projects wrapping up this fall that might be applied to this project.

    Lastly, if the question regarding Phase 4 and cyclist safety was referring to travel during construction, please know that we are looking closely at safety for all modes of travel and will have more information as construction kick-off draws near.

Sorry, comment time is over.