Chief Sealth International High School (2600 SW Thistle) is just a few blocks from the stretch of Delridge Way SW that is scheduled for a big repaving/resurfacing project next year, with some rechannelization plans included (as detailed on this city flyer). It’s also the place to take your questions, concerns, other comments, about the project, till 7:30 pm, as an open house is under way right now, with city reps on hand in the school library (go up the steps to the entrance off the main parking lot and follow the signs down the hall). No presentation is scheduled; it’s just a drop-in event. SDOT staffers on hand include the project manager as well as specialists in some of the areas involved, from pavement to traffic control. The info-boards on easels around the room include new graphics we hadn’t seen before, including two boards that explain the detours planned for southbound Delridge drivers during the year-long project:

The city expects the work to start in January, and it may include the southernmost few blocks of 16th SW in the city limits, too, if the money is found.
ADDED WEDNESDAY MORNING: We’re expecting to get the newest graphics from SDOT in a PDF we can share – but for starters, we did photograph more of them last night, and you can click ahead to see the images:
How the road will be rebuilt:

More on the detours that are planned while the work is under way – note they will be in phases: