month : 09/2012 340 results

Election 2012: Updates from 2 local convention delegates

September 5, 2012 10:51 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

We’ve mentioned previously that the 34th District, including West Seattle, has a sizable contingent in Charlotte for the ongoing Democratic National Convention. If you are following convention news, we just heard from Karen Chilcutt of the West Seattle Democratic Women, who shares the news that two of them are publishing updates to the WSDW site, Dr. Lisa Plymate and Ann Martin. You can read their updates and behind-the-scenes observations here.

‘It’s exciting’: K-5 STEM at Boren opening day, with Superintendent Banda on hand

(With principal Dr. Shannon McKinney, student Hajo got ready to help cut the ribbon. Photos by Nick Adams for WSB)
9:17 AM: We’re at West Seattle’s brand-new public school, K-5 STEM at Boren, which starts classes in about 15 minutes.

(Superintendent Banda with Xavier Nguyen and parents Mat and Tia)
Seattle Public Schools Superintendent José Banda is here, as is the regional Executive Director of Schools Carmela Dellino

… and dozens of excited parents and students already milling around on the south side of the campus, which has been closed the past two years (since serving as Chief Sealth International High School‘s temporary home). The phrase “It’s exciting” has resounded multiple times through the crowd.

From curriculum decisions to enrollment to hiring to building renovations, K-5 STEM at Boren has been “built” in just seven and a half months; as part of a “short-term capacity management plan,” the School Board voted January 25th to create it.

More on the superintendent’s visit and K-5 STEM’s first day, coming up.

1:08 PM UPDATE: Added photos from WSB contributing photojournalist Nick Adams (including images substituted above for the cameraphone photos previously included):

K-5 STEM is West Seattle’s only public school requiring uniforms. While teachers and students started getting to know each other and their new school, mingling continued in a room near the entrance:

The first PTA meeting, as noted in comments, is September 19th, 7 pm. (added) PTA president Heidi Alessi spoke during this morning’s first-ever assembly, too:

ADDED 8:50 PM: As promised, several more photos from the historic first day – click ahead:Read More

West Seattle Bridge traffic alert update: Crash scene clear

(SDOT’s “live” cam looking east over the bridge; the westbound camera is out of service)
8:06 AM: A crash toward the east end of the eastbound West Seattle Bridge has backed up traffic worse than usual. (Thanks to those who have texted about this, but don’t text if you’re driving!) We don’t have full details but SDOT says it’s a multiple-vehicle crash, and Seattle Fire medics have been on the scene assisting.

8:26 AM UPDATE: SDOT tweets that the crash scene has cleared, so here’s hoping the backup will start to ease a bit – aside from the usual commute intensity.

West Seattle Wednesday: Back to school; pie project; Southwest District Council; more

Almost everyone who’s not already back to school will be returning today (with exceptions here and there). And that includes opening day for a brand-new West Seattle elementary school (in a building that’s been empty for two years). Today’s highlights:

TONIGHT’S TRAFFIC ALERT: From this week’s day-by-day/night-by-night list, the southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct will be closed again 9 pm-5 am between the Battery Street Tunnel and West Seattle Bridge.

BACK TO SCHOOL! Most Seattle Public Schools students will be back in class starting today (with a few examples – such as, at Denny International Middle School, the 6th graders get the campus to themselves today, with others returning tomorrow), as will the local independent schools that haven’t started already. Remember that this means school buses on the road, middle/high-school students on Metro buses too, school-zone speed-limit enforcement, and more, so please take care.

OPENING DAY FOR K-5 STEM AT BOREN: Seven and a half months after the Seattle School Board approved opening a new “option” school in the two-years-closed Boren Building on Delridge, this is opening day for K-5 STEM (science/tech/engineering/math focus) at Boren. Among its first visitors will be new SPS Superintendent José Banda, scheduled to visit 9 am-10 am.

HIGH-SCHOOL SPORTS: Varsity games/matches are listed on our calendar daily, including all three of West Seattle’s major high schools playing volleyball today.

PUMPKIN-PIE FUNDRAISER: Starting today and continuing Wednesdays, 2-8 pm, till they’re all spoken for, you will find Diane Niemi at the West Seattle Eagles‘ aerie in The Junction, taking pre-orders for homemade pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving. The Heritage Pumpkin Pie Project involves a special family recipe with which she’s baking pies to raise money for Alzheimer’s/dementia research, in honor of her mother. More info in our listing.

DANCING AT THE SENIOR CENTER: The popular Lauren Petrie is at the Senior Center of West Seattle for dancing tonight, 6-8 pm.

SOUTHWEST DISTRICT COUNCIL: Now that it’s September, community organizations are getting back to their regular meeting schedules, starting with the Southwest District Council tonight, 7 pm at South Seattle Community College’s board room. Our calendar listing includes the agenda, which features a discussion on historic preservation.

… and there’s more on the calendar!

West Seattle businesses: Happy 10th, Hotwire Online Coffeehouse!

In a cozy century-old ex-carriage house on the north edge of The Junction, Lora Swift and her Hotwire Online Coffeehouse team are celebrating 10 years in business. If you’ve been there, you know it’s not just a coffee shop/Internet café with tasty drinks and eats – it’s a nerve center, a touchstone, a launch pad. (As our first sponsor, Hotwire helped WSB get off the ground!) Lora launched herself out of a corporate career to get Hotwire started in 2002, and over the years has become involved in much more than beverage purveyorship – to name just one offshoot, there’s the annual West Seattle Outdoor Movies series in the adjacent courtyard. The crowd on this year’s finale night (August 25th) was wall-to-wall:

If you weren’t at Hotwire today to say “happy 10th,” no worries, the party continues. You even might check on the availability of the T-shirt Lora designed to honor the occasion – see it here – and to celebrate the community she enriches.

Life-saving cookstoves: Burn Design Lab founder @ West Seattle Rotary

(Photo courtesy Dave Nichols)
“An astounding 2.5 billion people around the world still use crude open fires fueled by coal, wood and charcoal to cook meals,” says Vashon-based Burn Design Lab. Reducing that number, they add, will save people’s lives (as well as reduce deforestation). So they’re working on cook-stove technology. BDL founder Peter Scott is in the photo above, speaking today to the Rotary Club of West Seattle about the organization and its work.

West Seattle businesses: Rudy’s Barbershop heads here

Continuing the trend of founded-elsewhere-in-Seattle mini-chains finding their way to West Seattle, we’ve confirmed that Rudy’s Barbershop is planning a West Seattle location. Since getting asked about that “rumor” this morning, we confirmed with a company spokesperson that – as is noted on this page of the Rudy’s website – a West Seattle shop is on the way. But she said she couldn’t release any other details yet – maybe before month’s end. The “rumor” question mentioned one possible location, so we checked with its owner, who told us he couldn’t discuss forthcoming plans for his space, either. The 10-minute video above (found on their website but coded for embedding anywhere) tells the tale of Rudy’s, founded on Capitol Hill in the early 1990s by three guys – none named Rudy – now with 16 of its funky/quirky walk-in shops in four states, and the 17th to open later this month in Redmond (where a news story cites January 2013 as the WS opening date). More info as we get it!

You’re invited to tour the tunnel work zone with WSDOT

(Part of the tunneling machine, being assembled now in Japan – photo courtesy WSDOT)
If you use Highway 99 or adjacent roads through Pioneer Square/SODO, you drive by it all the time – so maybe you’d be interested in a close-up look at the tunnel work zone. If so, WSDOT invites you to join a walking tour this Thursday night – read on for the details:Read More

Happening now: Blood drive at Southwest Precinct

September 4, 2012 2:21 pm
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news | West Seattle police

Somebody out there needs blood … and in order for them to get it, somebody needs to donate it. If you’re able to do that before 4 pm today, that’s how much longer the Puget Sound Blood Center bloodmobile will be outside the Southwest Precinct at Delridge/Webster. We previewed the drive here last week.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Restaurant robbery in Admiral

(Thanks to our tipster for the photo from the search/arrest scene)
If you’re seeing police in the Admiral District – they’re investigating a robbery at Luciano’s Pizza next to the Admiral Theater. A suspect is in custody, according to Seattle Police Det. Mark Jamieson, but they’re searching for the money he reportedly says he dropped in somebody’s yard near the north end of Hiawatha Community Center‘s park. The robbery happened just after 1 pm; they don’t know if the robber was armed, but police say no weapon was seen. (Thanks to the person who texted us about the search, which in turn tipped us to the robbery – 206-293-6302 any time.)

New site for Democratic Convention watch party in West Seattle

September 4, 2012 12:57 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

Just after updating the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar with word that Skylark Café had tech troubles canceling Thursday night’s Democratic National Convention watch party, we got word of a new location – Howie Martin says the party’s been moved. New location: Heartland Café (4210 SW Admiral Way), 5-8:30 pm Thursday (September 6), with President Obama‘s acceptance speech expected between 6:30-7:30 pm. (As reported here over the weekend, our area has a sizable delegation at the convention.)

Followup: Councilmembers take up towing-fee proposal Thursday

September 4, 2012 12:45 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

Over the holiday weekend, we reported on the Seattle towing/impound-fee-limit proposal that has just been made public in its entirety, one month after Mayor McGinn and Councilmember Nick Licata announced it was in the works. Today, a quick followup: Nate Van Duzer from the office of Councilmember Tim Burgess tells WSB that the committee with first jurisdiction over the proposal, Government Performance and Finance, has a special extra meeting this week, and a briefing/discussion is scheduled then: 2 pm Thursday (September 6th) at City Hall, agenda here.

City budget cuts might not be quite so deep next year

On September 24th, Mayor McGinn will announce his budget proposal for next year. Today, he announced that the revenue picture isn’t quite as bleak as it had looked – of interest given the development boom here in West Seattle, apartment construction is mentioned as one factor. Here’s the city news release with the full announcement:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Delridge robbery; latest reader reports

Before we get to the Crime Watch reader reports, we have finally been able to get details on a Friday-afternoon incident some have asked about, a street robbery in Delridge. Det. Renée Witt in Seattle Police media relations says, according to the report, the victim was washing a car in the 2600 block of Brandon when a 4-door silver Buick drove by, parked, then left – and came back. When the car returned, it pulled up near the victim, stopped in the middle of the street, and two passengers got out of the back and walked up to the victim. One (described only as a black man in his late teens/mid-20s, about 6 feet tall and medium build) showed a silver handgun and said, “Empty your pockets.” The victim complied; the robber got back in the car, which left southbound on 26th. According to Det. Witt, the victim reported being so focused on the man with the gun that he couldn’t describe what the others looked like or were doing.

Meantime, as is unfortunately somewhat frequent, there were scattered “sounds like gunshots” reports over the weekend, but – in case you wondered about one near you – none has resulted in a finalized police report of actual gunfire – which only means no one was shot, no casings found, no property damage. (EARLY WEDNESDAY UPDATE: One incident has now turned up on the police-report list, but didn’t show until late in the day Tuesday – listing a “weapons-discharge” call in the 8600 block of 14th SW around 3 am. No details in the report, but now that there is a report #, we can check with police later today.)

Now, to the reader reports – scooter theft (stolen from kids who had bought them with their birthday money!) and indecent exposure – times two:Read More

West Seattle Tuesday: Precinct blood drive; more back-to-school events; nightlife…

Thanks to Dan for sharing the photo of 12-year-old Cameron, 10-year-old Elena, 7-year-old Elliot, going back to school today at Holy Rosary, one of the local parochial schools where it’s the first day of class. That’s all part of what’s on the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar for today:

SCHOOLS WHERE CLASSES START TODAY: As reported here last night, Holy Family, Holy Rosary, Hope Lutheran, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Seattle Lutheran.

*”Welcome Back Day” at Chief Sealth International High School, 8 am-2 pm
*New-family orientation at Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor), 10 am-noon
*Ice-cream social for new 6th graders at Madison Middle School, 6:30 pm
*Meet-and-greet at Arbor Heights Elementary, 2-3 pm
*New-student orientation at Schmitz Park Elementary, 2-3 pm
*Welcome dinner/open house at Westside School, 4 pm
*Meet-and-greet for families at the new K-5 STEM at Boren school, 5 pm
*Back-to-school barbecue at Pathfinder K-8, 5-7 pm
(Most of the above were gleaned from school calendars. If we missed anything, please let us know!)

BLOOD DRIVE AT SW PRECINCT: 10 am-4 pm, the bloodmobile is at the Southwest Precinct (SW Webster west of Delridge) – details here.

‘SAVE THE RIDE-FREE AREA’ MEETING: Not in West Seattle, but before Metro changes including the elimination of the downtown ride-free area kick in, a group is circulating a petition to save it and inviting interested parties from around the city to a 6 pm gathering at the Capitol Hill library – details/map here.

NIGHTLIFE: Trivia That Rocks at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm … Baby Ketten Karaoke at Skylark Café and Club, 9 pm … Starlight showcase at Shadowland, 9 pm.

More on the calendar!

West Seattle back-to-school week: Some start Tuesday

Though Wednesday is the big back-to-school day this week, with Seattle Public Schools and others starting classes, tomorrow (Tuesday) is the first day for the major West Seattle parochial schools:

*Holy Family School (20th/Roxbury), which starts a new Spanish-English dual-language program this year. Principal Frank Cantwell tells WSB, “We have hired seven bilingual teachers from Mexico, South America and Spain. Our Pre-School, Pre Kindergarten, and Kindergarten students will be learning half their subjects in Spanish and half in English. Each year, we will include the next grade up.”

*Holy Rosary School (42nd/Genesee), which has a new office administrator and is also looking forward to this year’s WestFest family festival, less than 2 weeks away.

*Hope Lutheran School (42nd/Oregon), where principal Kristen Okabayashi says much is new this year, including the new Singapore-based math curriculum “Math in Focus” for K-8 classrooms, an updated computer lab “with all-new computers and virtualization technology,” two new teachers, a new afternoon preschool class for 4-year-olds, and remodeled school-entrance and school-lobby areas.

*Our Lady of Guadalupe School (34th/Myrtle)

*Seattle Lutheran High School (41st/Genesee), which has a new principal this year, Dave Meyer (as reported here in June). Co-housed St. Christopher Academy also starts tomorrow.

(If we missed any West Seattle school that starts classes tomorrow, please let us know so we can add. Thanks!)

West Seattle food: JC’s Deli bringing ‘classic hoagies’ to 35th SW

It will soon be a trio of food businesses in the building that until early last year housed just one (On Safari Foods): JC’s Deli is on the way to 9007 35th SW, next door to West Seattle Fish House and two doors down from Stuffed Cakes. We’ve been investigating since a Facebook tip over the weekend; at the future site, which previously held a remodeling company, we found some deli equipment (right) and a flooring worker who told us that “Jeanette, who’s been around here a long time” – was going to open a deli.

More research today tracked down the full story: Jeanette Cummings, who worked for years at Hoagies Corner a short distance south at 35th and Barton (now Super Deli Mart), is opening JC’s Deli with daughter Cynthia Cummings. WSB’s Katie Meyer talked this afternoon with Cynthia, who says it’ll be a real deli, with a dine-in area as well as to-go orders. They’ll offer fresh-made sandwiches including “classic hoagies,” with deli meats and cheeses. Non-alcoholic beverages to start with, Cynthia adds. They hope to open JC’s Deli in early October.

West Seattle Labor Day 2012: Flag dedication at Alki Masonic Lodge

September 3, 2012 2:55 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle people

This federal holiday was marked with a flag-raising ceremony in one corner of West Seattle – at Alki Masonic Lodge on the east edge of The Junction. For the first time in eight years, a flag flies over the lodge, and VFW District 2 sent representatives to formally dedicate the new flag and renovated flagpole:

Mar Murillo from VFW Post 6599 (holding the flag) and Richard Moore from Post 2289 led the ceremony:

Also on hand, lodge leadership present and future – Sonny Canlas and Scott Marshall:

Family, friends, and community members came for a potluck preceding the dedication:

Alki Lodge 152, by the way, was originally chartered more than a century ago – in 1906.

The lodge over which the new flag flies is not only home to the local Masons, it’s also a popular place for public rentals and community events.

Safety alert: Wires down in Charlestown-area alley

Thanks to Paula for e-mailing to explain, in case anyone wondered, what Engine 29 is up to in an alley near Charlestown/44th/45th – she says “wires popped, fizzled, and fell into at least three yards.” No fire, and no outages, but the alley is blocked off until the situation’s fixed.

Not every late-night knock on the door is bad news!

Received overnight from Dina:

I would like to thank the very nice man who knocked on my door just past 11 (last night) to give me my wallet. I must have dropped it outside of the Shadowland. I was taken aback and probably didn’t thank you properly. I truly appreciate your honesty and sense of urgency. I wish I would have offered you something in return.

West Seattle Labor Day 2012: Holiday notes, including open/closed

(CONTINUING TO UPDATE as we get more word of who’s open/closed, especially restaurants … scroll down)

(Water Taxi’s pre-Husky-game lineup Saturday, photographed by Dana. It’s on Sunday schedule today)
Happy Labor Day! Sun’s supposed to be out full strength later. Today’s traditional note:

SOLID WASTE PICKUP: If Monday is your day for city trash/recycling/yard waste pickup, it’s on a regular schedule today.

TRANSPORTATION: Metro Transit is on a Sunday schedule, as are the West Seattle Water Taxi (along with its shuttle buses – but the Vashon WT is NOT running today), and Sound Transit express buses. Washington State Ferries‘ Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route is on a weekend schedule today. NO scheduled bridge/99 closures today/tonight.

STREET PARKING DOWNTOWN, ETC.: Pay stations/meters are on holiday – it’s a city parking holiday.

WHAT’S CLOSED/NOT HAPPENING: Most government offices/facilities closed (Seattle Public Library system reopens tomorrow), most banks closed, no mail delivery.

BUSINESSES? Again this year, those that have made mention on social media tend to be more closed than open, overall. Among retailers, Avalon Glassworks e-mailed to say they’ll be open again this year for Labor Day. Also open Labor Day for the first time – West 5 in The Junction. Meander’s Kitchen north of Morgan Junction is open. (added) Zeeks Pizza is open regular hours (thanks to Larry for the tip) … Easy Street Café till 3 and Chelan Café till 1 (thanks to Rich for the tip) … WSB sponsors Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C&P Coffee Company are among the many coffee shops we noticed open while taking a quick investigative drive a little while ago. … (More additions) The Bridge (thanks, Lindsay!) and Pegasus Pizza (thanks, Clara!) are both open, from lunchtime on … Fresh Bistro‘s open (thanks, Alan!) … Wing Dome in The Junction too (thanks, Andy!) … also open: Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor; thanks, Jordan!), Cactus on Alki (thanks, Katrina!), Seattle Fish Co. (thanks, Hannelore!), and Luna Park Café (thanks and happy birthday to Krissy!) … (added late afternoon) Endolyne Joe’s is open (thanks, Ian!) …

(Anybody else, stores or restaurants/bars? Let us know, and we will keep adding to the list!)

OUTDOOR SWIMMING TODAY: Last day of the season for the Lincoln Park wading pool, and, also at LP, last day of daily operations for Colman Pool – details here.

KAYAKING/PADDLEBOARDING: Alki Kayak Tours (WSB sponsor) is open at Seacrest and still offering its BOGO deal for locals.

PETTING ZOO: At Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights (WSB sponsor) today – here’s the announcement:

Please join us at Merrill Gardens Admiral Heights for an Animal Encounter on September 3rd from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. We will have a free petting zoo at our community and everyone will have a chance to have a “Hands on Experienceâ€. There will be cute bunnies, baby chicks, a Wallaby, Kune Kune Piglet, Prairie Dog, Pygmy Goats and more exciting animals to see. We will be offering assorted flavors of shaved ice for refreshment. The Admiral Heights community is located at 2326 California Ave SW in the heart of the Admiral Heights business district.

POTLUCK AND FLAG DEDICATION: Everyone’s invited to a noon potluck and 1 pm flag dedication at the Masonic Lodge, 40th/Edmunds on the east edge of The Junction. Details in our calendar listing.

More sun Monday: Don’t wait to get into the water

70s and sunny for Labor Day, says the forecast … which means the Lincoln Park wading pool should be open for its last scheduled day of the year. It’s the only West Seattle wading pool still open, Seattle Parks pointed out in its roundup of remaining days/hours for its outdoor aquatic facilities around the city. Hours tomorrow: 11 am to 8 pm. Or walk further into the park, all the way to its westernmost point, and swim at Colman Pool, which ends daily operations after tomorrow (with two postseason weekends on the schedule, Sept. 8-9 and 15-16).

Truck tips near end of West Seattle Bridge, nobody hurt

(Photo courtesy Dave)
Earlier we reported on a flipped car – this evening, the problem on 33rd SW was a tipped truck. Police and firefighters responded to 33rd and Charlestown, which is just north of the stretch of Fauntleroy that runs along the southwest end of the West Seattle Bridge. They found the driver at the scene, but a passenger apparently took off after the crash. The 18-year-old male driver was not hurt, but was taken into custody; police were investigating this as a possible DUI.