Pre-order pumpkin pies from The Heritage Pumpkin Pie Project

September 5, 2012 @ 2:00 pm – 8:00 pm
West Seattle Eagles Hall
4426 California Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98116

The Heritage Pumpkin Pie Project is taking pre-orders for homemade pumpkin pies at the West Seattle Eagles on 4426 California Ave SW beginning on Wednesday, September 5th, 2pm to 8pm and every Wednesday until November 1st or until availability is filled. (Pumpkin Pies will be ready to pick-up Wednesday November 21, 2pm to 9pm the day before Thanksgiving.)

This charity is headed up by Auxiliary Member Diane Niemi in honor of her mother. The proceeds will be going to Alzheimer’s and Dementia research. The pies will be made for Thanksgiving, this is a delicious pumpkin pie that Diane’s mother taught her when Diane was only 9 years old and has been making ever since. The recipe was taught to Diane’s mother Mary Ann by Mary Ann’s grandmother, making this a true heritage recipe (Diane’s mother is now 90).

This traditional treat of Thanksgiving can be preordered, and paid for at the West Seattle Eagles on 4426 California Ave. next to the Post Office beginning on Wednesday, September 5th 2pm to 8pm and every Wednesday until November 1st or until availability is filled. There are two sizes of Pumpkin Pie, a 5†for $5.00 and a 10†for $10.00. Diane also explains that only 50 of the 10†pies can be made, due to refrigeration space, and the fact that she opened up preorders to member’s of the Eagles in August. There is only 26 x 10†pies left to be ordered. But plenty of the 5†so get your orders in. Pumpkin Pies will be ready to pick-up Wednesday November 21, 2pm to 9pm the day before Thanksgiving.

6 Replies to "Pre-order pumpkin pies from The Heritage Pumpkin Pie Project"

  • L.A. September 5, 2012 (9:07 pm)

    Ordered our pie and had the loveliest talk with Diane. Can’t wait to try the pie!

  • Laura Logan September 12, 2012 (8:23 am)

    I have had a chance to taste these pies and they are indeed worth every penny. This is going towards such a great cause. Diane puts the same care and love in to making these pies as she does in caring for her mom. Come on! Let’s help to get the Heritage Pumpkin Pie project off to a great start!

  • Diane Niemi October 3, 2012 (10:32 am)

    There are only 14 of the 10″ family pies left to order. I will be at the Eagles today from 2pm to 8pm. Look forward to meeting everyone, here’s to pie on your plate.
    Diane Niemi

  • Diane Niemi October 5, 2012 (1:54 pm)

    I am down to three of the 10″ family pies, however you should consider a 5″ pie just so you can enjoy for yourself. Here’s to pie on your plate

    Diane Niemi

  • Diane Niemi October 12, 2012 (12:35 pm)

    I have now have the orders for 50 10″ pies. However there is still time to order your 5″ pies

    Here’s to pie on your plate

    Thank you
    Diane Niemi

  • kelsey (gooby) Urness October 26, 2012 (2:41 pm)

    Sissy – I have been looking for you for years! I would love to talk to you if you are up for it. Please email me at your earliest convenience. I just love the whole Heritage Pie thing you are doing.

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