(Mt. Constance in the Olympics, photographed from West Seattle by Danny McMillin, shared via Flickr)
That’s a cool view as the temperature starts to rise – though the forecast still says Thursday/Friday are the REALLY hot days; today will be closer to “very warm.” As for what’s hot on the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar – here are selections for today/tonight:
TONIGHT’S **DOUBLE** TRAFFIC ALERT: Two overnight closures tonight – southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct/99, 9 pm-5 am, and eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct, 10 pm-5 am. (Here’s this week’s edition of our day-by-day list.) **2:37 pm update – SDOT has just canceled tonight’s SSV closure**
GATEWOOD READS AT HIGH POINT LIBRARY: 11 am-1 pm, three Gatewood Elementary teachers are there to read and talk with students, looking ahead to the new school year (just three weeks from today).
FRESH VEGETABLES, WHERE THEY’RE GROWN: Wednesday is the day you can stop by the High Point Market Garden Farm Stand at 32nd and Juneau and buy fresh organic vegetables grown and harvested steps away. 4-7 pm.
ASK AND ANSWER: Meet real-estate and home-service professionals, and bring your questions! Presented by Savvy Seattle Women at Prudential Northwest Realty offices in Jefferson Square, 6-7 pm – details here.
THE NOISE GUY AT THE LIBRARY: What? You thought libraries were supposed to be quiet? Guess not at the West Seattle Branch, where The Noise Guy appears at 6:30 pm – details here.
SUNDAY SOCCER ON WEDNESDAY: Did you know the West Seattle Sunday Soccer folks also have a Wednesday night pickup game at Delridge Playfield, 7 pm?
OPENING NIGHT FOR ‘GODSPELL’: The 12-to-16-year-old Theater Conservatory summer students at ArtsWest have been working on “Godspell” and are ready to debut it for you, 7:30 pm.
NIGHTLIFE: Trivia at 7, open mike at 9, at Skylark.
LAST DAY FOR PCC’S BOGO PIZZA COUPON: Haven’t tried PCC Natural Markets‘ take-and-bake pizza yet? The longtime WSB sponsor has a coupon (get it here) you can use to buy one, get one free – and today’s the last day.