6:46 PM: We’re on the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center – where the sun is shining on the south half of the field, but there’s a bit of an almost-autumn chill in the shade, as Curtains For You plays its first set of the last Summer Concerts at Hiawatha show this year. Come by – free popsicles for everybody who wants one (come see the Admiral Neighborhood Association at the east edge of the lawn – we’re right next to them), free face painting for kids – or, arm-painting …

… and free music, till 8.

7:42 PM: Another couple songs and they’re wrapping up. ANA president Katy Walum took the stage to thank this year’s sponsors, musicians, volunteers, and attendees. And – last but not least – her ever-supportive husband Erik Walum:

And Katy confirmed there’ll be a fifth season of Summer Concerts at Hiawatha! More to come in our wrapup of tonight, including a clip of Curtains For You (which will open for The Head and The Heart at the Paramount downtown on September 15th).
10:30 PM: Here’s the clip:
And we’ve been meaning during the season to mention the stage crew, Randy Knowles and Dave Grixoni, who’ve worked every concert in the series:

Dave is a letter carrier by day, around The Junction. He’s been working on the concerts ever since Katy Walum called him, having heard from someone that he knew something about sound systems. They talked about the Admiral setup – and eventually Katy asked if he could run the sound. Dave said Hiawatha had some great equipment (board, amps, speakers) so it shouldn’t be too hard. He had played in bands with Randy, and between the two of them, they had equipment if anything wasn’t readily available. They’d known each other since Randy’s days at a local store; Dave delivered the mail to the store, got to talking with Randy, and they decided to play music together.
Their first band, they told WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand, was the Neil Young tribute band Ragged Glory (which played the Hiawatha series its first year), and that’s morphed into Melanie and Her Blue Suede Dudes, much more bluesy, they say, than Ragged Glory.
Since they have worked together for so long, it only takes about an hour for them to set up, and the sound check for a 6:30 pm concert is usually 5 pm. So look for Dave and Randy next year – the unsung heroes behind the scenes (or, at least, the stage).