First of two reports from tonight’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting:

(WSB photo added Wednesday afternoon)
While FCA board members say they’re fine with the Seattle Police plan to install a fixed speed-monitoring/ticketing camera in the Gatewood Elementary school zone on Fauntleroy Way, they say the current southbound warning light needs to be moved. (That point also was made in comments on our Sunday night story about the forthcoming camera.) Ahead, the letter FCA is sending to the city:
It’s addressed to SPD Assistant Chief Paul McDonagh:
Gatewood Elementary is among the selected sites for fixed school zone installation of cameras. We do not disagree with location, but there is a problem with the current installation of the school beacon for the Fauntleroy Way southbound traffic. The beacon is located behind a telephone pole and around a curve. If the beacon were to be moved north of the curve it would be in the line of sight for some time before entering the school zone. As it is, the driver has to be aware that the beacon is coming up and that it may be active, or the driver will have to suddenly apply brakes.
If the goal is to slow the traffic down rather than to give out tickets, moving the beacon will go a long way toward this end. Please consider moving the beacon when you install the camera.
The letter is signed by FCA president Bruce Butterfield and cc’d to various city officials, elected and otherwise, along with the president of neighboring Morgan Community Association, Deb Barker. SPD’s project manager told WSB yesterday that the installation is expected within a few weeks, before school begins; speeders caught by the camera face $189 tickets.