
West Seattle Summer Fest 2012, Friday night (and earlier scenes)

(See our 1st ongoing afternoon report here)

Now that we’re into the first evening of West Seattle Summer Fest, the music plays a bigger role – and there’s lots of it. Above, the Dolly Rottens played in the late afternoon. Their first show as an all-girl band, per their Facebook page.

(Photo by Nick Adams for WSB)
Right now, Caspar Babypants is on the Alaska Stage. Before he played, we photographed him with (right) artist Kate Endle and their friend Zoe (left):

(added) Here’s video of CB’s first song, “My Flea Has Dogs”:

And at 8 pm, rising star Star Anna performs (California Stage). Lots of street music as well – we’ve seen drummers, strummers, and more. Big occasions for Junction businesses, too – Elliott Bay Brewing is celebrating its 15th anniversary, and proprietor Todd Carden tapped a keg of special ale:

Along with year-round Junction establishments where you can get something to drink or eat, there are two beer gardens, one near each stage, are open too. We’re still in the info booth at California/Alaska till the vendors shut down for the night around 8 (with the music continuing a few hours beyond).

8:05 PM: The booths are now officially closing – you might find some stragglers; we’re folding up the info booth too, but we’ll be back here same hours tomorrow, 10 am-8 pm. We’re off to check out Star Anna (watch for video – and we have one more Day 1 roundup of photos in the works, too, along with a look ahead to tomorrow). Again, the bands and the beer gardens continue for a few hours more – as do your year-round drinking/eating places, several of which have special outdoor zones for the festival.

ADDED: A few more scenes from earlier on Saturday, all photographed by WSB contributor Nick Adams. First, the crowd:

The fun – 3-year-old Peter Ahern, in the kid zone:

And yet there’s always a chance to find a place of your own – Linda Lee found one while listening to music from the California Stage:

Near the stage, the West Seattle Eagles had pulled pork going on a big grill – Frank Wilkerson was tending it:

Looking for bird condos? That’s what Mike Cronk was taking back to his Mike’s Workbench booth:

Also from the vendors roster … Dean Mollen tunes a hand-made cigar-box guitar at Soul Cat Guitars

If you’re looking up a particular vendor, the vendor list linked on this page of the Summer Fest website has weblinks for many of this year’s participants.

8 Replies to "West Seattle Summer Fest 2012, Friday night (and earlier scenes)"

  • Lisa July 13, 2012 (9:53 pm)

    I was disappointed that many of the booths closed up at 6:00 – they said they were told to by organizers – then others said they were told to close at 8:00!

    • WSB July 13, 2012 (10:37 pm)

      That’s odd – we stayed in the info booth till 8 pm and our observation was that more booths were open that late than previous years. I know no one was *told to* close at 6 but perhaps they were given discretion, or made the choice – they pay for the space. Will inquire tomorrow. – TR

  • LongTimer WS July 13, 2012 (10:56 pm)

    Thanks for your coverage! I thought everyone was having a good time. What a beautiful late afternoon…evening!

  • Nichole July 13, 2012 (11:25 pm)

    Knut sounded amazing tonight! Nashville is missing out by not snatching up that Talent.

  • Beacon Hill Billy July 14, 2012 (7:00 am)

    Hi! Neighbor Neighborhood!

    Pop on over to Jefferson Park on Beacon Hill today for our one-time Jubilee opening in between bites at the West Seattle festival. Music stage starts at 4 PM. See Seattle Times weekend on line for more info. Circus, pro-skate board lessons, kite festival and more from 12:00 on.

    Love South Seattle neighbors across the bridge

  • JasonG July 14, 2012 (8:22 am)

    Who was the brass band playing near Talarico’s at about 7pm last night? They were TERRIFIC.

  • sam-c July 14, 2012 (3:24 pm)

    I don’t know what the band was called, but I think the band you speak of was actually playing at EBB as part of the birthday party. they were great ! lots of fun.

  • Huindekmi July 14, 2012 (6:59 pm)

    I saw them as well. The bass drum had “Tubaluba” written on it. Quick google search … Yep, it’s them.

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