West Seattle Friday: Happy last day of school!

(Baby eagle in the Duwamish Head Greenbelt, photographed this week by Kathy Weitz)
We know many independent-school students in West Seattle are already out – but today is the long-awaited final day for Seattle Public Schools students, so we wish them and their families “happy summer!” Here are other highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:

CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY: That’s what AmericanWest Bank in The Junction is celebrating today, with free refreshments 11 am-2 pm at their branch (41st/Alaska) and a food truck on site if you’re interested in buying lunch there (Raney Brothers BBQ).

WORLD HARMONY RUN AT THE MOUNT: At 2 pm, the World Harmony Run Torch visits Providence Mount St. Vincent (4831 35th SW).

LIVE MUSIC: Pat Smith at 3 pm at Bridge Park (3204 SW Morgan), RSVP requested … “Bobcat Bob” at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) 6-8 pm (5612 California SW) … Jazz singer Barbie Anaka at Salty’s on Alki (1936 Harbor SW), 8-10 pm … Sightseer, Lush Tones, and More of Anything at Skylark Café and Club (3803 Delridge Way SW), 8 pm … Jason Sees at the Heartland Café‘s Benbow Room (4210 SW Admiral Way), 9 pm … The Dolly Rottens and Death’s Three Daughters at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor; 6451 California SW) at 9:30 pm …

SATIRICAL SONGS: That’s what you can expect at Live from the Starving Ear” with Roy Zimmerman tonight at Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm.

SUNSET NATURE WALK: Naturalist Stewart Wechsler leads a Lincoln Park walk to commemorate the “latest sunset of the year,” meet at 8:45 pm; details on his website.

FYI – BLOCKWATCH CAPTAINS’ PARTY: If you see police around the VFW Hall in The Triangle, don’t worry, it’s actually a happy occasion – they might be stopping in to say hello to the Block Watch captains of West Seattle, whose first-ever Appreciation Party, organized by the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network (with co-sponsors including WSB), is happening there tonight, including dinner and dancing.

FYI – ROTARY INSTALLATION BANQUET: That’s the big event at The Hall at Fauntleroy tonight, 6-9 pm, as the Rotarians celebrate outgoing president Sue Lindblom and incoming president Andy Horner.

4 Replies to "West Seattle Friday: Happy last day of school!"

  • dbsea June 22, 2012 (9:42 am)

    Man Oh Man ! Last day of school. I can remember far back in the foggy distance those last days of school. The BEST. Feeling so free. Now I get a little of it once again, vicariously, through the kiddsies. Have a safe summer kids (and don’t forget everything you learned!).

  • AJ June 22, 2012 (1:25 pm)

    This year there won’t be a crowd of teens at Alki to celebrate the last day of school.

  • Maggie June 22, 2012 (4:34 pm)

    Summers were THE BEST growing up. Swimming, biking, cards, endless fun and no responsibility. Enjoy it, kids!

  • Alki Guy June 22, 2012 (10:51 pm)

    No riots due to rain! what a blessing!

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