The years-old proposal for an illuminated, digital sign on the east facade of the Madison Middle School gym hasn’t been settled yet. Tomorrow night, neighbor Claudia informs us, there’s a committee meeting that will include public comments on the proposal, which would require approval of a zoning “departure.” She writes:
Neighbors in the community are very worried that the departure will be accepted and that Seattle Public Schools will add a digital reader board on the Madison Middle School gym. As I’m sure you know, the intersection of 45th Avenue SW and Spokane is a very dangerous corner. We have seen countless automobile accidents (including roll-overs) and many near misses with pedestrians and bicyclists. We do not want to add to driver distraction. This is a very residential neighborhood and we would like to keep it beautiful and safe. Neighbors are currently signing a petition.
Here’s the official public notice for the meeting, which is at 6:30 pm Monday in the Madison library. P.S. We last wrote about the same proposal almost three years ago – at which time a commenter noted that “money for (the sign board) was raised by parents” and said that the proposal already had been in the works for some time by then. West Seattle HS and Chief Sealth IHS both have illuminated digital signs of varying sizes, but unlike Madison, the signs aren’t facing single-family-home neighborhoods.