West Seattle Tuesday: From orchard to orchestra

May 15, 2012 8:41 am
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(“Bye Bye Birdie” photo courtesy WSHS Drama)
Lots to do/see/hear tonight, from sports to musical theater to symphonic music to art:

HEALTH AND HARVEST: The weekly tour/work party at the Community Orchard of West Seattle is 2-4 pm Tuesday afternoons (6000 16th SW, north end of South Seattle Community College campus)

LIVE ART BASH: And you can be among the “stars” – bring your project/quest for inspiration to Mind Unwind in the Admiral District for this weekly event, 6-9 pm, explained on the M/U website. (2206 California SW)

WSHS BASEBALL PLAYOFF GAME: There’s only one high-school-baseball postseason game on the schedule in the area tonight and West Seattle HS is in it, facing Liberty at Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center, 6:30 pm. (1321 SW 102nd)

WORLD PREMIERE ON THE PROGRAM: West Seattle Community Orchestras‘ second of two spring concerts is tonight, 7 pm, Chief Sealth International High School auditorium, with new works including “Fantasies and Fugues” by WSCO conductor Rob Duisberg, Ph.D. Admission free, donations accepted. (2600 SW Thistle)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: In addition to the monthly police-leadership briefing on crime trends, tonight’s program includes a special guest on victims’ rights. 7 pm, Southwest Precinct meeting room (southwest side of building, off Webster west of Delridge)

‘BYE BYE BIRDIE’ ADDS TONIGHT: You’re invited to the WSHS theater at 7:30 tonight for an added night of the school’s spring musical (last Friday was a last-minute scrub, so this week’s run starts a night early). Ticket information is on the Westside Drama website.

More on the calendar – including what’s up tomorrow, next week, next month …

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