West Seattle traffic alert: 35th/Morgan crash

(Photo by Wendy Hughes-Jelen)
Thanks to Bill and Wendy for word of a crash at 35th/Morgan. Bill says no injuries are reported; Wendy says one car is involved that went “straight into the corner, took out the street tree, and hit two U-Haul vehicles. … Antifreeze or something is hissing from the engine compartment because of the tree damage. Front bumper is on sidewalk behind vehicle now.” Both have shared photos.

(Photo by Bill Bacon)
3:19 PM: Two photos added. No SFD medic unit sent to the scene, which would be confirmation that if there were any injuries, they weren’t major.

3:31 PM UPDATE: Just drove through 35th/Morgan – no traffic impediments on 35th; the westbound lane on Morgan by U-Haul (northwest side of the intersection) should clear soon, since the tow trucks is already there to take away the car that hit the U-Haul vehicles.

18 Replies to "West Seattle traffic alert: 35th/Morgan crash"

  • Nick April 23, 2012 (3:19 pm)

    Good Lord, that’s crazy

  • JanS April 23, 2012 (3:22 pm)


  • onceachef April 23, 2012 (3:29 pm)

    Desperate to park I guess…:)

  • T.dot April 23, 2012 (4:10 pm)

    I was there walking to the bus stop around 3:30. It was sad seeing the family shaken up like that. But im glad theyre ok. I went into the corner store and when I come out they had towed the car away and everyone was gone. They sure moved fast.

  • Bill Bacon April 23, 2012 (4:18 pm)

    I keep telling folks this a trecherous intersection in spite of the improvements made a few years ago. Why do people continue to jump yellow lights just to get to their destination? It happens here all the time. Why do people allow themselves to be distracted while driving? Two small children in the back seat with their mother as passengers were very lucky. What if this vehicle would have hit one of the trucks head-on? Or the steel U-Haul sign posts on the corner? Or the propane refill tank a few feet away?

  • Eric G April 23, 2012 (4:22 pm)

    Oh man, I walk there every day. Glad everyone is OK.

  • DukeMalisto April 23, 2012 (4:51 pm)

    Bill Bacon, How is this the intersection’s fault? It’s a straight intersection, no odd turns or curves as you cross the intersecting road. This person obviously messed up something awful to make that sudden jump into the sidewalk then the U-Haul trucks. Those are parked at an angle facing the corner of the block, meaning this was something of a 45 degree turn just to wreck like that.

    Anyone have any news on what caused them to suddenly yank right to cause this type of accident? Were they swerving a turning car, or distracted, or something?

  • WSratsinacage April 23, 2012 (5:09 pm)

    Definitely a problem intersection with a history of incidents. Desperate need for some safety improvements or maybe redlight enforcement!

  • rocky raccoon April 23, 2012 (6:22 pm)

    Maybe we could just line the streets with big soft pillows so that no matter how inattentive, drunk, or stupid you are, you will not get hurt.

  • West Seattleite April 23, 2012 (6:35 pm)

    Idiot drivers in action. A very straight forward intersection. Perfect cross streets, controlled by traffic lights. Someone just could not quite get it. Disgusting.

  • Mary April 23, 2012 (6:54 pm)

    We were there waiting to cross 35th going west. Single car screaming down the hill swerved left obliterating the tree, sawdust in the air. Unbelievable no one was seriously injured.

  • smokeycretin9 April 23, 2012 (7:06 pm)

    Can I get a discount on one of the U-Haul trucks for a day?

  • Harry Reems April 23, 2012 (8:06 pm)

    Definitely a bad intersection. Wouldn’t mind seeing a red light camera there.

  • wsmama3 April 23, 2012 (9:14 pm)

    We live 2 blocks from this intersection and use it almost daily (both walking to bus and in the car). The left turn heading from Morgan left onto 35th is always difficult and we’ve seen many a person almost get gunned down in the walkway by drivers not heeding the green for walkers. The other thing we’ve noticed at this junction is that drivers coming down 35th heading toward the bridge run the light but that’s been something we’ve seen at least 5 times in 3 years. Drivers heading up 35th towards Target gun it to make the light. Daily.

    If you make a habit of walking in this intersection – beware! My husband and I comment at least twice a month about a near miss.

    My Dad always said assume everyone out there is not looking out for you and drive, walk, or bike with that in mind.

  • Wendy April 23, 2012 (9:24 pm)

    I was in the U-Haul office when it happened. I asked another girl standing there if she saw what happened, she was waiting at the light. She said the driver said, and what it looked like, was the brakes didn’t function. It definitely was a lucky situation, except one totaled vehicle.

  • Danny April 24, 2012 (6:55 am)

    Yikes, looks like something must’ve gone pretty wrong there. I drive through that intersection at least once a week, and so far I’ve been lucky enough to have not been forced into a traffic collision by the intersection.

  • ~~Hockeywitch~~ April 24, 2012 (8:09 am)

    I live in the apt bldg next to the Pizza Hut, I was at work when this happened, but I had a house guest that saw and heard it all. She told me about it when I got home. Couldn’t believe how lucky they were that they didn’t take out the power poll or MORE IMPORTANTLY the Propane tank..
    I’ve lived in that apartment for 20 years and that intersection EVEN WITH the turn arrow has always been a BAD intersection. And as West Seattle has grown it has just got worse. The addition of the Turn Arrow on 35th has made it a little tiny bit better, but people still try to beat the light as the green arrow doesn’t stay very long. There needs to be another Arrow on Morgan for that traffic as well, especially in the evenings….I hope all involved in the accident are ok. That could have turned out to be a lot worse than it was. They were very lucky.

  • Cowpie April 24, 2012 (12:00 pm)

    To bad the healthy tree died.

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