Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports this afternoon. First, from Sara:
We came home to a scary surprise yesterday evening and wanted to let our West Seattle neighbors know so that it doesn’t happen to them. Someone had tried to break-in to our house in the Fauntleroy neighborhhood, north of Endolyne Joe’s. Sometime between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., they managed to pry open a bathroom window in the back of our house, in an area where they wouldn’t have been easily seen. It seems they grabbed one of our patio chairs, stood on that to get up to a drain spout and pried open our old-fashioned window; breaking the drain, the window and a chunk of the windowsill in the process.
Sara’s report continues with another photo – plus, we have a separate car break-in report – after the jump:

Sara continues:
Luckily, something must have scared them off, because nothing is missing and we don’t think they got all the way in. We filed a police report, and the officer who came out mentioned that they’re seeing more attempts like this.
Just wanted to spread the word for other folks to be on the lookout and make sure everything is locked up tight! The officer said a motion light or a loud dog are a good defense. Guess we’ll have to get that puppy we’ve been wanting!
And from Mischa in Westwood:
Sometime between 9 last night and 5 (Thursday) morning a number of items were stolen from my vehicle at 3400 block of SW Cloverdale. It’s so unfortunate that there are folks that need to steal from others, even more unfortunate that I have to be scared walking 12 yards to my car at 5 am each morning.
The next West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network meeting – Tuesday, Southwest Precinct, 6:30 pm – will focus on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, with lots of tips on what you can do around your home/apartment to discourage/prevent crime. You don’t have to be a blockwatch captain, or even in a Block Watch, to attend.
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