Washington State Ferries to raise fares next month

Just received a reminder about Washington State Ferries‘ plan to raise fares in May. The new fares are listed in this brochure (PDF). Read on for the news release in its entirety:

As Washington state ferries voyage into the peak travel season, all ferry fares will increase on May 1. Another fare change will increase the discount for vehicles shorter than 14 feet.

Washington State Ferries (WSF) is implementing an across-the-board, three-percent fare increase to help cover operating costs and meet revenue targets. This increase applies to all fare types, including vehicle/driver, walk-on, and multi-ride cards.

The Transportation Commission approved this increase last August as part of its annual review of ferry fares. The state transportation budget requires WSF to meet an overall revenue target of $310 million that must be collected from ferry fares between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2013.

Single-ticket prices for vehicles will also increase 25 percent on all routes, except for the San Juan Islands where they will increase 35 percent, as part of a peak-season surcharge that begins in May. The seasonal surcharge helps pay for increased operational costs that come with increased traffic May through September.

Also beginning May 1 is a bigger discount for vehicles shorter than 14 feet. Drivers of small vehicles will now pay 20 percent less than drivers of standard-sized vehicles. The discount increases from 10 percent to 20 percent. Smaller vehicles are still subject to the three percent fare increase and seasonal surcharge.

To find the fare for your route and mode of travel, read the new fare brochure (pdf 515 kb).

5 Replies to "Washington State Ferries to raise fares next month"

  • raybro April 3, 2012 (8:06 pm)

    links don’t work

    • WSB April 3, 2012 (8:31 pm)

      Sorry, looks like one letter missing. Fixed now. – TR

  • Mike April 3, 2012 (8:12 pm)

    Hard to believe???

  • carlton April 4, 2012 (9:50 am)

    raise them. why should i have to subsidize the rich and famous?

  • Mark K April 4, 2012 (11:50 am)

    @carlton – Which rich and famous? You must not mean the thousands of folks who commute via ferry across the Sound on a daily basis to their jobs. Or the folks who use these ferries (which are part of the state highway system, by the way) for to visit other parts of the state, as you may use Highways 2, 12, 97, 522, etc to visit other parts of the state.

    Just because a handful of rich folks may choose to live in locations only accessible by ferry does not make the whole system a subsidy to the rich and famous. May as well say the same thing about I90 as there are several rich folks living on Mercer Island, or 520 as it’s close to Bill Gates’s home.

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