From White Center Now: Burien annexation vote in November

We’ve spent the past 2 1/2 hours in Burien City Council chambers on behalf of partner site White Center Now – covering a big story: November has just been set as the date for White Center (and environs) residents to vote on whether to be annexed by Burien. We chronicled the meeting on WCN – as you can read here.

1 Reply to "From <i>White Center Now</i>: Burien annexation vote in November"

  • Bill Banks April 2, 2012 (11:04 pm)

    Good. We’ve lived here for 49 years (not bad for what was intended to be a temporary house.) We and most of the neighbors did not want to be in any city. But times have changed. I’ve watched Burien do a great job of improving the livability of the area while Seattle just treaded water for anyone outside the downtown core. Where do I get my YES sign?

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