day : 22/04/2012 8 results

What to do if something is illegally dumped in your front yard?

Gayle in North Admiral sent us that photo this morning – overnight, some unwanted furniture, with a bonus traffic cone, turned up on her lawn. She says the couch had been spotted elsewhere in the neighborhood recently, so she suspects a prank, but is not amused. Illegal dumping on public property is a crime with its own city hotline, but dumping on private property is not so clearly addressed, so we suggested the time-tested advice of putting a big FREE! sign on it and hoping it attracts the attention of passing scavengers. At last report, Gayle planned to do that, and told us it could be found at 46th/College. Meantime, further searching brought us to a 2-year-old thread in the WSB Forums, in which a call to the aforementioned city hotline DID apparently lead to some help – (206-684-7587). Other advice?

Crime Watch: Area’s second armed robbery of the day

April 22, 2012 7:28 pm
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7:28 PM: On our way to check out a report that the King County Sheriff’s Office just shared with Seattle Police over the radio – an armed robbery reported at the Subway shop in the 10400 block of 16th SW. The description at this point does NOT seem to have anything in common with the one from the John’s Corner Deli holdup we covered seven-plus hours ago here in West Seattle – in this case, per the scanner, the description is “black male, around 19, bald, black sweater/red stripes, carrying a backpack” in which both a gun and knife were seen.

7:43 PM UPDATE: No deputies were at the shop, so we went in to ask about the robbery report. Store staffers say it happened closer to 7 pm; nobody was hurt.

West Seattle Earth Day: South Seattle Community College cleanup

April 22, 2012 7:22 pm
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(Photos by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
When we saw South Seattle Community College president Gary Oertli at the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce Westside Awards breakfast back on Wednesday (WSB coverage here), we asked if anything big was coming up. He mentioned that the SSCC Business Club would be out on 16th SW this morning in front of the campus for an Earth Day cleanup. He didn’t mention he’d be there too!

But there was the college president (black cap, both photos), ready to pitch in along with students from the Business Club and some faculty members. We caught them in the late-morning sunshine, post-donuts, pre-cleanup. A big thanks to them and everyone else who spent part of this Earth Day weekend taking care of the community!

After a year and a half, Duwamish Rowing Club ‘finally … reality’

A year and a half ago, we published Michael Merta‘s invitation to fellow rowers to join him in getting the sport going on the Duwamish River. This weekend, he shares this report – and photos – to announce that he and others have made it happen!

After a little over a year and a half of talking, planning, and fundraising, Duwamish Rowing Club has finally become a reality.

We have established a “boathouse” (really a 45-foot shipping container) in South Park near Duwamish Waterway Park. We have a double, a single, and a four-person rowing shell so far. We hope to buy another four in the coming weeks. Its a small start, but we are happy with what we have been able to accomplish.

Thanks so much to all the people who have helped us get this far, particularly the people of South Park. We look forward to growing this into a thriving club that will become an asset to the people in the Duwamish Valley, and we are happy to bring something very positive to the Duwamish River. Our mission is to develop a rowing club that is affordable, accessible, and open to everyone. If you would like to row or get involved, please contact Mike Merta at

1 week AFTER Earth Day – ‘Recycle Roundup’ next Sunday

Another reminder, while you’re in the Earth Day” mood today – NEXT Sunday (April 29th) is the Fauntleroy Church Green Committee‘s next event with 1 Green Planet, coming to West Seattle for another “Recycle Roundup.” 9 am-3 pm in the church parking lot that day, come drop off your stuff. The church’s website has the list of what you can bring that day to be recycled – see it here. Yes, they will accept your items for free.

West Seattle Crime Watch: John’s Corner Deli robbery

11:56 AM: Police are rushing to 35th/Webster where an armed robbery has just been reported. We have this description so far – white male, around 6 feet tall, in his 30s, black/gray hair, black baseball cap, black jeans, dark vest, green T shirt, unshaven (with “a little” facial hair), tinted gray sunglasses, last seen running north “and then headed back east” from the area, per the scanner. More as we get it.

12:20 PM UPDATE: At the scene (adding a photo), we have confirmed with police that the business robbed was indeed John’s Corner Deli – not the first time. No injuries reported. In addition to the robber description above, police say they are looking for an apparent accomplice driving a getaway vehicle (there was one scanner report of a possible dark SUV headed east on Holden).

12:52 PM UPDATE: No word of any luck so far finding the robber/s.

MONDAY UPDATE: We just called SPD to ask for any additional details. Aside from what’s reported above, two things – one, confirmation that the robber WAS armed; he “removed a handgun from his waistline, pointed it at the clerk, demanded money from the till, the victim handed over an undisclosed amount of cash and the (robber) fled the store,” Det. Mark Jamieson tells WSB. There’s also a different description of a POSSIBLE getaway vehicle – white early-to-mid ’90s Buick or Oldsmobile.

New neighborhood-news roundup from our Seattle Times partners

April 22, 2012 11:55 am
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WSB’s informal partnership with The Seattle Times, now in its third year, is pretty low-key. In case you missed our original announcement in August 2009: It’s a casual relationship that means the Times sometimes links to WSB stories from its home page – as well as highlighted stories from some the dozens of other news websites from around the region that are in the partnership (which started in 2009 with just a few of us – including WSB, our site to the south White Center Now, Capitol Hill Seattle, and My Ballard), and we do the same if there’s a story of interest on their site, plus they will grant permission to use a Times photo on request if they happen to have one that would enhance our coverage. (Here’s an example.) No contract, no money, no behind-the-scenes involvement on either side. Our favorite part of it is the fact that many times, when we have a story about somebody in West Seattle doing something great, it might be linked from the region’s biggest news website, meaning even more people will hear about it beyond the 120,000+ homes/businesses/offices that read WSB anywhere from once to 100 times each month.

SO, that all said, something new: Today in the paper version of the Sunday Times, a new section called “Around the Sound” debuts, featuring quick blurbs from some of their partner sites. The first version includes one they chose from WSB, a short mention of park safety on the agenda of last Tuesday’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (here’s the full story, with video, if you missed it). Just thought we’d mention it in case you read the Sunday Times but missed this (which is on page B3 – here’s a PDF version). They decide what to feature, same way we decide what – and if – to feature any Times content here, but once in a while, you just might see something from our peninsula go by.

West Seattle Sunday: Happy Earth Day 2012! Today’s highlights

Summer in April. Almost. Another sunny day expected; thanks to Debra Salazar Herbst for the Alki overview from late Saturday (really did look summery). From the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:

HOLY FAMILY OPEN HOUSE: You’re invited to Holy Family Parish School (WSB sponsor; 20th/Roxbury) for an open house featuring its new Spanish-language program, 9:30 am-2 pm.

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm as always, 44th/Edmunds in The Junction.

GREEN HOME TOUR, DAY 2: Four West Seattle locations – there’s a map in our coverage from Saturday, and a full list of citywide locations on the tour website, 10 am-4 pm, admission free.

ROCK AND GEM SHOW, DAY 2: The West Seattle Rock Club‘s annual show continues at the Alki Masonic Temple (40th/Edmunds), 10 am-5 pm, admission free, activities for all ages – lots of info on the club’s website.

EARTH DAY SEED SALE: Noon-6 pm, benefiting Community Orchard of West Seattle, at Alki Bike and Board (2606 California SW) – where you also can rent electric bikes, by the way!

BAMBOO FESTIVAL: At Seattle Chinese Garden (north end of South Seattle Community College campus, 6000 16th SW), 12:30-4:30 pm, schedule here.

FREE CPR/AED TRAINING: The West Seattle Eagles invite you to a free training session at their Junction HQ this afternoon, 1 pm. Details in the event-calendar listing.

EARTH DAY CLEANUP AT DAKOTA PLACE PARK: Help take care of the park at California/Dakota! 1-4 pm. More details here.

BENEFIT FOR ANIMAL ADVOCACY GROUPS: At Rocksport Bar and Grill this afternoon, a benefit for animal-advocacy organizations Friends of the Animals Foundation and Feral Cat Assistance and Trapping. As announced in the WSB Forums: “There will be lots of fantastic silent auction items, purrraffle prizes, chair massages, and for the adults, a wine pull and drink specials. Come for the whole four hours or as long as you can! Donations of wet or dry cat food are always appreciated and will gladly be accepted at the door.”

EARTH DAY AT FLEURT: WSB sponsor Fleurt continues celebrating its new location AND Earth Day – drop off your old vases and containers for “recycling” (they’ll either be “repurposed” at Fleurt or donated to the Senior Center of West Seattle), and you’ll get a mini-plant as a present. Fleurt’s new location (sneak peek here) is at 4536 California SW.

WEST SEATTLE GREENWAYS MEETING: An appropriate topic for Earth Day: Interested in “greenways” across West Seattle? Meet with local advocates! Full details on the North Delridge Neighborhood Council website. 3 pm (Pearls Coffee and Tea, 4800 Delridge Way SW)

(Photo by Gary Wigle)
FINALE FOR ‘LOVE LETTERS’: Twelfth Night Productions‘ “Love Letters” at 3 pm, featuring Mary and Rick Springer (photo above), at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW).

MUSIC NORTHWEST PRESENTS ‘THE LEGACY OF DEBUSSY’: 3 pm at South Seattle Community College‘s Olympic Hall; more here.

LIVING-ROOM OPERA, TO BENEFIT SWYFS: Today’s the day for the unique Southwest Youth and Family Services fundraiser in a private Fauntleroy Cove home, featuring a wine and cheese reception with music by the Opera Belles. 4 pm – check to see if there’s still room!

‘CUSTOMER APPRECIATION EVENT,’ DAY 3: West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor; California/Fauntleroy/Morgan) continues its Customer Appreciation Event, with its first-ever produce tent sale, and raffle tickets on sale (for a $500 shopping spree), benefiting the West Seattle Food Bank.

ALSO BENEFITING WS FOOD BANK – BY-DONATION YOGA: Bikram Yoga Seattle is sponsoring a donation-only yoga class at 5 pm today, everyone welcome, proceeds to the West Seattle Food Bank. The studio is at 4747 California SW.

LAST ‘SUNDAY RIBS’ FOR A WHILE: Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) says its famous Sunday Ribs will take another hiatus after today. They start serving ’em at 5 pm (6451 California SW).

PIANOMANIA! FINALE AT KENYON HALL: As the announcement from KH describes it, it’s their “celebration of all things pianistic.” See who’s playing, on the Kenyon Hall website. Final show is 7:30 pm tonight (7904 35th SW).

Even more events on the calendar.