What ‘visioning’ participants hope to see in Delridge’s ‘Brandon Node’

(Click to see larger image)
That’s the “3-D” look at the area of north/central Delridge known as the “Brandon Node” – which was centerstage at last Wednesday night’s “visioning” open house sponsored by the North Delridge Neighborhood Council and Delridge Neighborhoods District Council at Martin’s Way. We dropped by in the first hour; now NDNC co-chair Parie Hines has put together and published a thorough look at the entire event, its results, and next steps. You can see her report here, on the NDNC website. One key summary point: The desire voiced for new food-related businesses in the area was four times the desire voiced for other types of businesses. However, as another chart in Parie’s report shows, that doesn’t mean everyone’s clamoring for restaurants – the #1 type of food-related business that open-house-goers wanted to see was “farmers’ market/produce,” followed by “bakery.” The most-desired non-food business: “Children’s or clothing consignment store.” Outside the business realm, street trees and bike racks were atop wish lists.

North Delridge leaders plan to pursue ways to make this all happen, including city support; attendees last Wednesday included City Council President Sally Clark and Councilmembers Tom Rasmussen and Richard Conlin – Clark mentioned the Brandon Node event during what amounts to council “open mike” time at their weekly briefing session yesterday.

6 Replies to "What 'visioning' participants hope to see in Delridge's 'Brandon Node'"

  • brizone March 6, 2012 (10:30 am)

    can’t really make out anything on that graphic, will there be a larger version linked out later? oh, nevermind. I see the problem exists in the original on their website as well, they’ve vastly over-compressed it (sigh).

    • WSB March 6, 2012 (10:34 am)

      yes, I’ll link the fullsize to it in a minute. I didn’t expect that story to go through during the site outage and it still had a tweak or two to make, which I’ll be making right now! – TR

  • Parie March 6, 2012 (10:39 am)

    Thanks for the great write-up! I’d like to mention that Councilmember Richard Conlin was there as well.
    The 3D graphic is available as a PDF download at the NDNC website at an 11×17 size, which is small but legible. The original is huge — 48″x60″. I am happy to provide that to anyone who would like it. Just email contact@ndnc.org.

    • WSB March 6, 2012 (10:48 am)

      Will add CM Conlin’s name. Meantime, I’ve just linked the 11 x 17 link from NDNC site to the image and the line below it. I have a couple more links to add inline, still in progress, again, this went through during our now-over outage and I couldn’t reopen it at the time to tweak. – TR

  • Parie March 6, 2012 (1:20 pm)

    I’ve added a higher resolution jpg file (6MB) of the brandon node image to the NDNC website. Sorry, looked legible in the late evening hours when I posted it.

    Here’s a direct link:

  • DelridgeV March 6, 2012 (10:06 pm)

    Parie is a wonder!

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