(Added 11:39 am: Big puddle at Fauntleroy/Raymond and Seafair-esque hydroplaning)
A few notes for tonight, before we get too much further into the day:
BRIDGE CLOSURE: We’re checking with SDOT to see if weather will affect this, but in the meantime, the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct is scheduled to close tonight overnight – that means no access to the West Seattle Bridge from I-5 or Beacon Hill. Details here. (11:45 am note, SDOT confirms it’s still on.)
INSLEE VISITS WEST SEATTLE: High Point Neighborhood Association presents forum with Democratic governor candidate Rep. Jay Inslee (organizers say Republican candidate Attorney General Rob McKenna was invited too but is unable to attend), 5:30 pm, HP Community Center, preview here.
CHICKEN CHAT: 6:15 pm, “Keeping Chickens in the City,” presented by Seattle Free School at West Seattle (Admiral) Library. Details and registration link here.
DELRIDGE DESC PROJECT, ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT COMMENTS: 6:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, there’s a city meeting to listen to comments about the environmental impacts of the DESC project (as noted here) – in the context of state law, “environmental” means more than “ecological,” it includes traffic, noise, etc.
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: 7 pm meeting tonight, Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds).
LIVE MUSIC AT SKYLARK: Live music @ Skylark Café – PeopleTank, The Slags, and Gunn & The Damage Done, 9 pm, $5, 21+. Here’s the Facebook event page./
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