You’ve seen her photos here on WSB and elsewhere (including her own site), and last night Trileigh Tucker contributed some of her work (with her in the photo, an image of Snoqualmie Falls) to the gala/auction for West Seattle Community Orchestras. This was the second year WSCO held a gala, and the first time at Highland Park Improvement Club, where of course, there was music – including Elliot Reid‘s guitar performance:

WSCO’s fundraising helps make sure more young musicians can participate in their programs. They’re usually looking for new members, and their groups practice on Tuesdays – check out their website at wscorchestras.org for the latest info. From their Facebook page, we’ve gathered listings for upcoming appearances – the Symphony Orchestra at 7 pm March 20th at Bridge Park, the Debut and Intermediate Orchestras at 6:30 pm March 27 at Highland Park Elementary and at 6:30 pm May 8th at Chief Sealth International High School, and the Symphony Orchestra at 7 pm May 15th, also at CSIHS.
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