Traffic alert: Truck trouble on new East Marginal Way bridge

In case you’re planning to head through the East Marginal Way/Spokane Street area (map) east of the “low bridge”/under the “high bridge” any time soon – you may encounter traffic trouble, as police have been working on diverting traffic away from the new Port of Seattle-built East Marginal Way Grade Separation bridge, after a semi-truck crash on that structure. No word of injuries.

7 Replies to "Traffic alert: Truck trouble on new East Marginal Way bridge"

  • Karisa March 6, 2012 (11:23 am)

    I was driving by on the West Seattle bridge headed for 99 right when this happened and called 911. I watched the truck sway one way then the other before it tipped over in what seemed like slow motion. Scary. Really hope the driver is ok.

    • WSB March 6, 2012 (11:35 am)

      Thanks for the info, Karisa. The scanner described it as “rollover” which would be pretty tough for a truck, and there are no webcams in that area, so absent better info, we had to keep it to “truck problem.”

  • Robert2715 March 6, 2012 (1:05 pm)

    BTW, why are those construction “cones” (whatever those things are called) still up on that overpass?

  • LB March 6, 2012 (1:26 pm)

    It’s not finished yet. Last time I checked (a couple of weekends ago) it was still only open in the southbound direction (I don’t know it the sidewalk is open yet).

  • Robert2715 March 6, 2012 (1:33 pm)

    LB, Ah, thanks. I suppose they are waiting on the shipment of AU so they can goldplate the bridge. :-)

  • Jay March 6, 2012 (9:00 pm)

    I saw a truck tip over at the west end of the low bridge probably 6 years ago. I think it just takes a little too much speed around a corner…

  • BlairJ March 7, 2012 (12:13 pm)

    That three-legged “grade separation bridge” has to be one of the strangest looking roadway structures ever.

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