West Seattle Weather Watch: Windy, with a rescue callout

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
Gusty winds are in the forecast, and they’ve led to some high surf, as you can see at Beach Drive Blog. Meantime, there’s a rescue callout along Beach Drive right now – WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli is there and says that somebody reported a sailboarder possibly in trouble, though they’re believed to be OK.

2 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Windy, with a rescue callout"

  • Scupper February 21, 2012 (4:20 pm)

    It’s one of our neighbors that only goes out wind surfing when it’s gusting over 30 knots! Dude has skills.

  • Adam February 21, 2012 (4:55 pm)

    I saw a police dinghy/raft thing HAULING ASS down the canal around the time this call went out, I wonder whether they got through the locks before the call was closed…

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