West Seattle Hi-Yu: Winning pin; looking ahead to Tea time

Summer will be here before you know it, and West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival volunteers/members have a lot to do. Notes from last night’s Hi-Yu membership meeting: This year’s Senior Court Queen Kayli Schulz was on hand in the West Seattle Hi-Yu sash, and is getting closer to receiving her crown. It was announced at the meeting that when she is coronated at the Hi-Yu Spring Tea and Auction on March 18 (2 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy, ticket info here), she will be crowned by the reigning Miss Seafair, Veronica Quintero.

Also shown at last night’s meeting – Diane Szender‘s winning design for the Hi-Yu trading pin – which you can look for at this year’s summer events, since it’s sold to the public as well as provided to royalty to trade with their counterparts from other festivals:

Diane explains that the goal was to incorporate the past pin design (which you can see on the Hi-Yu Facebook page) into the new one. Riley Fredericks also proposed a pin design (she’s behind this year’s float theme too).

Other discussions last night included fundraising logistics. Planning for the Tea is on track with donated auction items, and table captains, though they’d still love to have more donations. Other fundraising strategies are being brainstormed.

And the Hi-Yu Float is still in need of a storage site. Its undercarriage is in Everett at the moment; volunteers are going to help with locations to store supplies and build components, but Hi-Yu still would love to have a space donated where Seattle’s last remaining community-promoting float could be kept for easier access, maintenance, etc.

4 Replies to "West Seattle Hi-Yu: Winning pin; looking ahead to Tea time"

  • DS February 8, 2012 (9:53 am)

    The pin is in rough draft form right now. Plans are underway to get the final form created. Look for these later this year. :)

  • Michelle February 8, 2012 (11:15 am)

    Who can I contact RE: float storage. We might be able to assist. Thanks!

  • Michelle February 8, 2012 (11:16 am)

    Could you let me know who can I contact RE: float storage. We might be able to assist. Thanks!

  • miws February 8, 2012 (1:10 pm)

    Michelle, here’s some contact info from Hi-Yu’s FB page:
    1 206.619.4990


    How nice of you to offer, and how nice it’ll be if something can be worked out!



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