Four reports this morning in West Seattle Crime Watch:

(Wednesday afternoon photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
We took that photo yesterday afternoon on 39th just east of Fauntleroy, after tipsters told us police had converged on the area. All officers would tell us at the scene was that it involved an arrest warrant. This morning, SPD has announced they actually made two arrests, in connection with the armed robbery two weeks ago in the 9400 block of Delridge (WSB coverage here), the third and fourth suspects arrested in the case. More details via SPD Blotter.
Also this morning – three Crime Watch reader reports, a burglary and two thefts:
First, from Theresa on Puget Ridge:
I wanted to let you know that my house on the 5600 block of 21st Ave SW was robbed (Wednesday) between 9:30 am and 2:10 pm. They broke in through back sliding glass door. Stole some items, but ransacked the entire house.
Be aware that they very well may be watching or staking out houses as there is someone here 95% of the time, my house is empty for approx 9 hours a week and they just happened to hit it when I’m not here? Weird.
Please get this information out. A house two doors down was robbed 3 days ago and a house two doors up was robbed 3 months ago.
Second, received this morning from Cindy:
Wanting to report the theft of a gray Kona Cinder mountain bike with leather handle grips and leather seat, with black box carton on back rack. This was stored in the back of my truck which was broken into last night near the intersection of Atlantic and California Avenue. If anyone sees this bike, please call 937-1476.
Also in North Admiral, this is from Malia:
I wanted to alert neighbors that someone stole our box of produce that was delivered early (Wednesday) morning. The box was stolen off of our front porch sometime between midnight and 5a. We live on Holgate in North Admiral and have not had any issues with packages disappearing until now. A police report has been filed but I don’t have any confidence that this is the last time considering the theft of other people’s groceries in West Seattle.