Update: Water-main break fixed in Fauntlee Hills

(Photos by WSB editor Tracy Record, added 8:34 am)
7:44 AM: Some residents in the Fauntlee Hills area woke up to water trouble this morning, according to several notes we have received. Greg reports, “Awoke to low water pressure and brown water coming from taps. Called city and they said there was a water emergency in the area and it would be at least 3 hours before water was restored.” Liz, who says she was given that same time frame, says her water service has been out since at least 3 am and that she was told the problem was a water-main break. We’re heading out to check.

8:26 AM: Just back from talking to the crew at the site of the break, which is on 39th SW just a bit north of SW Barton (which is wet for a few blocks downhill – luckily not quite cold enough to freeze). They have already fixed it and are flushing the lines. Just a cold-weather break, they told us, one of the 100-plus water-main breaks in the city every year (about 140, SPU reps told the recent meeting regarding Arbor Heights upgrades). This 12-inch main feeds homes for a 5-block area that zigzags around the spot where the pipe broke. Our photo shows the main and the silver clamp over the spot where it broke; the smaller green line on the right feeds the closest home, whose resident was out looking at the work and saying he’s glad it’s done because he’s overdue for his morning coffee.

2 Replies to "Update: Water-main break fixed in Fauntlee Hills"

  • Bonnie February 5, 2012 (7:23 pm)

    OMG, that is my street and I didn’t even notice!

  • Reg Morgan February 6, 2012 (2:05 pm)

    I have read your West Seattle column through the years.I was raised auntdleroy between 1935-1955, leaving to seek my fortune (hah). I attended Fauntleroy Grade School, James Madison and West Seattle High School. The district leaves many pleasant memories. Your image of the water leak in Fauntlee Hills was a hillside of scotch broom in 1950. Icurrently live in Coulee Dam. Reg Morgan

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