West Seattle Weather Watch: Latest on the potential snow

Thanks to Mark Bader for the view of Mount Rainier during today’s sunrise. Will our area, too, soon be frosted in snow? The newest forecast still calls for the chance of snow showers beginning Saturday night; the snow level is expected around 400 feet, and some of West Seattle’s hills go higher than that. By Sunday night, that’s down to 200 feet. If you want more context, check out the latest “forecast discussion,” which concludes, “For now, uncertainty is way too high to get very excited yet.” (Also remember there’s still a burn ban in effect, with an “air stagnation advisory” covering the area as well as a “special weather statement” addressing the possibility of snow.)

19 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Latest on the potential snow"

  • Andrew January 12, 2012 (10:09 am)

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

  • Eilene January 12, 2012 (10:21 am)

    Wonderful photo of the sunrise!

    • WSB January 12, 2012 (12:40 pm)

      I was so glad to get the photo – had a front row seat for the sunrise (and Rainier) from the bridge this morning, leaving for the White Center suspect court hearing at 7:30 am (court was at 8:30 but I had to make absolutely sure I wouldn’t be late!). I commuted daily for years and I know how horrible that time-waste can be, but there is a certain time of year when a sight like this can make it a little more bearable :) – TR

  • Patrick January 12, 2012 (12:53 pm)

    I am a meteorologist but do NOT work for any local markets or for the NWS but this is what I am seeing as far as snow is concerned in the upcoming days ahead.

    I almost just had a heart attack when I saw that the GFS was an outlier a little while ago, Very good agreement in regards to the EURO, ,GEM, JAM, Canadian and NAM, more specifically the EURO ABSOLUTELY pounds areas from SALEM all the way to Canadian Border Tuesday and Wednesday with snowfall amounts in excess of 16 inches EVERYWHERE ( NOT SET IN STONE ) but as I said the EURO is golden right now. The NAM and WRF also show this feature as well and it would not surprise me if the NWS starts to make mention of Watches/Warnings VERY soon if this trend continues and the way things are going, the trend has nowhere to go but UP… NAM, EURO and NOW the GFS all push the cold air further south and the air coming in is also MUCH colder too. STAY TUNED kiddies ”

    In summation, the trend for snow and cold air to invade the region is increasing incrementally as we approach the aforementioned time frame and agreement amongst the models is trending better and better as we get closer. Looking VERY GOOD for Snow.

    • WSB January 12, 2012 (12:58 pm)

      If you turn out to be right on, Patrick, we may have to offer you the role of Official WSB Meteorologist :) My son will be happy to hear the increased chance … although I have not consulted the most accurate TV meteorologists with whom I ever had the pleasure of working, Walter Kelley and MJ McDermott (both of whom were still at Q13 last time I checked) :) … TR

  • Patrick January 12, 2012 (1:23 pm)

    @ WSB, don’t hold me to the proverbial wall just yet, but as it stands right now snow is very likely over the weekend with many locations in western Washington receiving some sort of accumulation, the PSCZ ( Puget Sound Convergence Zone ) will be present and could dump upwards of 8 inches where ever it decides to set up. Snow is slated to start flying by Late Saturday night per the EURO.

    After that the trend is for what appears to be one of the biggest snow events in recent years if the model trends continue, HOWEVER I am NOT willing to stand that far out on the Meteorological ” limb ” just yet but if by the time we reach Sunday night, the models still show the same feature being advertised for almost 2 days now then it is likely to go ” All In ” on one of the biggest most widespread snow events we have seen since December 2008!!!

  • Patrick January 12, 2012 (1:32 pm)

    @ WSB, thx for the unofficial invite :)

    We’ll see what happens

  • Chris January 12, 2012 (1:37 pm)

    I hope Patrick is right! I would love 16 inches of snow!

  • Patrick January 12, 2012 (1:39 pm)

    @ Chris, LOL, Don’t hope I’m “right ” Hope that the models are right :)

  • sam-c January 12, 2012 (1:43 pm)

    so, beyond the possible snow this weekend… if it happens, ok, that will be fun.
    but what I would like to know: what are the temps going to be moving into next Tuesday, Wed, etc? is it going to warm up and melt the stuff or will I be confined to whatever is in walking distance for several days?

  • Raechelle January 12, 2012 (2:02 pm)

    I didn’t get much of a vacation over Christmas.

  • Noelle January 12, 2012 (2:15 pm)

    Yay for SNOW! I hope we get a few inches . . . enough for the school kids to get a Snow Day . . . Snow Balls & Snow Men need to be made . . . enough for Sledding . . . and All that good stuff . . . Then I hope it melts away just as fast and life can go back to normal after a few days of Winter Glory. I LOVE Snow Seattle Style!!!

  • Noelle January 12, 2012 (2:22 pm)

    Beautiful Photo too!

  • andrea January 12, 2012 (3:58 pm)

    oh my goodness! talk about a heart attack…I about had one reading Patrick’s comments! oh, I want it to snow, snow, snow! the little kid in me is jumping up and down and spinning around in joy hoping for the models to be correct :).

  • Mark January 12, 2012 (4:10 pm)

    Cliff is getting excited: http://cliffmass.blogspot.com/2012/01/upcoming-snow.html

  • Gina January 12, 2012 (6:21 pm)

    Hurry and stock up on beer and frozen pizza!

  • MaryCooks January 12, 2012 (8:59 pm)

    NIce photo! LOVE the airplane in the photo, too. Beautiful representation of the PNW.

  • Jen January 12, 2012 (9:41 pm)

    I love it when there is enough snow to cross country ski thru the neighborhood,unfortunately it doesn’t happen very often

  • coffee January 12, 2012 (10:10 pm)

    Can patrick give us the meaning of his terms?
    I hope patrick is right!
    And according to the city mapping department the highest point is 35th ave sw in front of the olympic manor apartment bldg which houses Cafe Osita and the laundry and it is 568 ft above sea level if I remember correctly.

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