West Seattle snow aftermath: New dates for Sealth open house/tour, WSUU parenting talk

Days after the snow stopped, the ripple effects continue. We have two rescheduling notes this morning:

CHIEF SEALTH OPEN HOUSE, TOUR RESCHEDULED: The open house scheduled at Chief Sealth International High School tomorrow night has been pushed back, plus there’s a new date for a tour canceled during the wintry weather. Just received from activities coordinator Sam Reed:

Due to the inclement weather this month, and then the resulting schedule changes, we’ve made the decision to push back the date for our annual Prospective Student Open House (formerly Choices Night). Originally scheduled to be this Thursday, January 26th, it will now be held on Thursday, February 9th instead. The schedule of activities will remain the same as will the start and end times. [flyer]

In addition, the cancelled tours available for current Madison and Pathfinder 8th graders has been rescheduled for February 14th from 10-11:30 am.

WSUU PARENTING LECTURE: THURSDAY is the new date for a lecture rescheduled because of weather woes. Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation presents “Parenting with Courage and Connection,” 6 pm Thursday (January 26) at the church, 7141 California SW. Admission free; presenter is Jody McVittie, M.D. (who can be reached with questions at jody@encouragingsolutions.net).

6 Replies to "West Seattle snow aftermath: New dates for Sealth open house/tour, WSUU parenting talk"

  • anw January 24, 2012 (11:34 am)

    The new Open House date for Sealth is now on the same night as the Denny Open House! Will that be moved, too?

    • WSB January 24, 2012 (11:35 am)

      No word of any Denny changes that I’ve heard, so far …

  • Beth Bakeman January 24, 2012 (12:11 pm)

    It’s also now on the same night as The Center School open house and the Nova open house. Doesn’t make sense.

  • Fiver January 24, 2012 (3:08 pm)

    I’m pretty sure the make up “Parenting with Courage and Connection” date is Thursday Jan. 26 at 6 PM at WSUU. That’s what was announced by email and is listed on their website. I couldn’t reach anyone at the church by phone just now to send WSB an official correction.

    • WSB January 24, 2012 (3:14 pm)

      I checked my e-mail and yes, it’s Thursday. Fixed. – TR

  • kenyon January 25, 2012 (12:13 pm)

    I wish they would coordinate these events district-wide – especially looking for conflicts with schools that draw from all over Seattle like Center School. Exasperating!

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