‘Partial furlough day’ Tuesday for Seattle Public Schools

8:38 PM: This was scheduled long before the snow days, and the district has said it could not be canceled to make up part of that time, so just a reminder for Seattle Public Schools families – tomorrow is a “partial furlough day” with students to be dismissed three hours early. (And if you missed it, Friday is no longer a “between the semesters” offday, it’s a school day to make up for one of the three days lost to snow.)

11:43 PM: We’re finding out late tonight that some of the furloughed teachers will be rallying in The Junction tomorrow afternoon.

7 Replies to "'Partial furlough day' Tuesday for Seattle Public Schools"

  • PK22 January 23, 2012 (9:36 pm)

    A million bucks says that these kids will be making up a snow day sometime in JUNE

  • que January 23, 2012 (11:07 pm)

    PK22 – Well yeah they will be. According to the district’s calendar the first makeup day would be this friday and the following 3 days would be after the school year is currently scheduled to end and if there was a subsequent one, there is a day in March that would be used.

    So far we will be going 2 extra days in June.

  • other KBear January 24, 2012 (8:15 am)

    This, of course, makes *so* much sense, because the days lost were in first semester, so those students have their classes shortened, while the second semester will now be days longer.

    Yeah, bet that “aligns with the curriculum” ….

  • Parent January 24, 2012 (8:57 am)

    Rallying for what?

  • CSWS January 24, 2012 (10:00 am)

    Then WHY is it or has it not been on the calendar EVER. SO FRUSTRATED.

  • Christie January 24, 2012 (10:35 am)

    the teachers at my son’s school have to actually leave school grounds when the bell rings. Totally sucks – is there more information about the rally?

    • WSB January 24, 2012 (10:58 am)

      Christie – all I know at this point is that they will be in The Junction at some point in early afternoon. Several groups of teachers/school staffers have told us they are taking photos on campus before leaving (group photos) and we are trying to catch up with some of them, the last one I know of is at 12:30 so I’m guessing they’re gathering in early afternoon … sorry not to have anything more, all the communication with us has been casual – TR

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