Update: White Center Food Bank gets help – THANKS!

ORIGINAL 8:31 AM REPORT: Just got a call from White Center Food Bank volunteer coordinator Audrey Zemke. They suddenly need up to seven people to help hand out food today, 10 am-1 pm, because the volunteers who were coming canceled at the last minute. Please call 206-762-2848 ASAP if you can help.

9:37 AM UPDATE: Audrey says they’ve got all the help they need now – THANK YOU.

3 Replies to "Update: White Center Food Bank gets help - THANKS!"

  • Marley January 21, 2012 (8:52 am)

    Just called and left a message. Will she be contacting us or should we show up and see if we’re needed?

    • WSB January 21, 2012 (9:20 am)

      Sorry, that I don’t know – co-publisher took the phone call and I put the request out on all our channels. I’ll try e-mailing her to ask. Thank you! – TR

  • Kathryn January 21, 2012 (9:18 am)

    Yes we will be happy to give a helping hand and will have 4 volunteers from our group.

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