(Purse seiner off Alki Point – explained by Beach Drive Blog; photo by Danny McMillin via Flickr)
Happy Friday! From the West Seattle Events calendar:
FOOD TRUCK POD: 1 truck due at lunch, 3 for dinner, at Uptown Espresso lot on the south end of The Junction, schedule here
SPA DAY AT PHARMACA: It’s Spa Day at Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy (WSB sponsor), 1-5 pm (p.s. did you know they have a longstanding discount coupon here on WSB? find it and print it here).
COUNCILMEMBER VISITS SOUTHWEST COMMUNITY CENTER: Supporters of SW Community Center, which faces major changes under the mayor’s proposed budget, invite community members to join them in talking with City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen at 2 pm today – more details here.
IN-STORE WINE TASTING: At Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) in Admiral, 5-7 pm
WASHINGTON WINE MEDLEY: That’s the theme of Bin 41‘s weekly wine tasting, 6-7:30 pm.
‘THE FOREIGNER’ IN FAUNTLEROY: You’re invited to a community play this weekend at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California Avenue SW), with four performances through Sunday, starting at 7 pm tonight. The Fauntleroy Players of yore come to life again with “The Foreigner,” a comedy for all ages. More details and ticket info here.
‘THE DESPERATE HOURS’: Final performance for West Seattle High School’s Drama Club production, 7:30 pm at WSHS Theater. More info here.
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