Be on the lookout for the car at left – stolen, according to the first of three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports we have tonight. Z says it’s a 1991 Nissan Sentra, red, 2-door, black trunk and spoiler, gray interior, license plate # 051UEJ, stolen near 41st and Admiral Way sometime over the holiday weekend while Z was out of town. If you spot it, please call 911.
Ahead – burglary and car-prowl reports, plus a bonus link!
We reported here earlier this week on what local police acknowledge is a recent increase in home burglaries. Northeast West Seattle is one of the areas police say is being targeted; Pigeon Point neighbors have been sharing information on what’s happening in their area, and Jim shared this with us after his home was hit on Tuesday:
I came home at 1:00 PM to find my house on 22nd having had the front door kicked in, the back door open and the house generally ransacked. My neighbor across the road heard pounding around 10:30, which was just a couple of minutes after I left. I saw two unfamiliar teens/20 somethings walking up 22nd as I left and thought it was strange. All that was taken (that I can figure from a quick walk through) was our kid’s Nintendo Wii, an iPod and some cash. A friend , who was picking up something on my porch may have scared them off. Police said that there have been plenty of houses hit recently, especially in our neighborhood. Call 9-1-1 if you see something weird.
That advice is repeated over and over. And we can tell you from scanner traffic and e-mail reports, police are responding fast and en masse to even possible burglary reports – if they catch somebody in the act, it’s easier to get them put away for longer.
From Angela in the 9700 block of 32nd SW:
I wanted to let you know about a possible break-in attempt at our house (Tuesday) in Arbor Heights. As we were sitting down for dinner … we noticed some broken glass. A window in our dining room was broken. There was a small round hole through each pane of glass, which then split the glass. We found a huge chunk of the outer pane on the grass outside. We don’t know if somebody was trying to break in or if it was a “freak of nature”. We talked to a neighbor and called the police. The police verified that is was not a bullet hole, but could not say if it was a break in attempt or not. They did not see any fingerprints on the glass.
We also have a car-prowl report, from Chris:
I just thought I should let you guys know that we got car prowl-ed [earlier this week] in our driveway in the 62nd and Spokane area in Alki. I filed an online report with SPD but thought I’d let you guys know in case you heard of any other incidents and it seemed like a recent pattern. The trunk was open, gas tank and gas cap open, and the GPS and GPS charger were taken from the vehicle. Unfortunately, I remember accidentally leaving the door unlocked and probably left an interior light on. Good reminder for all the WSB-world to remember to keep your car doors locked and keep your electronics out of view when your car is parked!
Police also advise not even leaving anything visible that HINTS at electronics, particularly GPS – no suction cups, etc.
BONUS LINK: SPD doesn’t do this every day, but they did post another Aggressive Drivers Response Team roundup, mostly West Seattle – see who was cited for what and where, by going here.