Outage? Bill-paying? Seattle City Light goes mobile

Good to keep in mind as storm season approaches – and for other reasons – Seattle City Light now has a mobile site – just announced at m.seattle.gov/light:

On the site, customers can report a streetlight problem, get information about outages, read City Light news, get money-saving energy conservation tips, or find links to contact the utility on other matters. Customers who are signed up for eBilling also can pay their bills. The mobile site is accessible to any phone with an Internet connection. A free mobile app is now available on the Android Market that will launch the mobile-enabled web pages. An iPhone version is pending with Apple for distribution in the iTunes store. … City Light already is looking at ways to enhance its mobile site. Customers who use it are encouraged to send feedback and suggestions for potential additions to webteam.scl@seattle.gov

3 Replies to "Outage? Bill-paying? Seattle City Light goes mobile"

  • madison parent November 1, 2011 (5:44 pm)

    Don’t make it so hard to log in if you forget your password! I’ve been paperless billing for over a year. Recently forgot my password and the site asked for my billing number off my last bill. Well hello I’m trying to access my last bill online!
    Had to dig through email for about 20mins to find my original confirmation info which only told me my username which then since I tried so many password locked me out and on the phone w customer service who also wanted my billing number. Gave up 3 days later remembered my password and paid bill which by then was late.

  • John November 1, 2011 (5:55 pm)

    Oh this is SO cool!! Conservation tips on my mobile phone, so-wheat. Wonder how many FTEs this took to implement. And, wonder how much this is costing ratepayers.

  • City Light tech worker November 2, 2011 (8:10 pm)

    John, so glad you like the mobile site. Happen to know there were NO high priced consultants involved and took two employees 3 weeks. That’s all. We’re good.

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