What all those police cars were doing in west Admiral

Finally got the bottom line on heavy police presence in the 51st/Waite (map) area. After a few calls/texts, we went over to check it out – more than half a dozen SPD cars along a couple of blocks, but no lights or sirens, no visible-from-street sense of urgency, no police tape, no one visible to approach with a question. The mystery was solved by Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams‘ reply to our inquiry: He says they arrested a misdemeanor domestic-violence suspect: “We needed some time to talk the adult male suspect out. He’s in custody.”

7 Replies to "What all those police cars were doing in west Admiral"

  • Aman September 22, 2011 (7:42 am)

    I thought maybe someone was handing out doughnuts.

  • bob September 22, 2011 (1:09 pm)

    noticed the big vacant spot where the new transfer station was supposed to be, got any ideas who stole all the steel that was standing and ready for siding??????????????????????????????just curious bob

    • WSB September 22, 2011 (1:40 pm)

      Bob, we reported on that earlier this week. SPU says they’ve dismantled it for repainting – they are saving $3 million in maintenance costs by using some kind of paint they somehow just discovered – TR

  • dottie September 22, 2011 (1:09 pm)

    …and it took more than half a dozen police cars??

  • ltfd September 22, 2011 (4:18 pm)

    Yes, dottie, “it took more than half a dozen police cars”. It’s referred to as ‘establishing a perimeter’, and the appropriate number of officers (each comes with a patrol car) are deployed depending on the environment.
    Inside a highrise residential structure, there would be basically two ways out- either direction down the hallway (although I’ve been on calls where suspects have jumped out of buildings rather than come out the easy way). It would not take as many units/officers to secure the ‘perimeter’ in that case.
    In a detached residence, or small apartment building, the suspect could take off in any number of directions, and those must be watched or ‘secured’. Additionally, the officer(s) attempting contact at the front door need backup/protection.

  • Dale Ross September 23, 2011 (10:15 pm)

    What happened? There are only houses on the corner of 51st and Waite. Anyone know what really happened?

  • Chris October 6, 2011 (12:46 pm)

    Who will Aman call if he has an emergency?

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