Happening now: Dog-swimming fundraiser in Arbor Heights

After the first mostly gray day in some time, the sun came out just in time for the first day of the “Dog Days of Summer” fundraiser at Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club – as explained here last week, the AH pool is closed to people for the year, so they’re opening it to dogs only, for a special session daily through Saturday, as a fundraiser for the water-polo team. Tonight’s session is on till 7; we were there in the early going, and a half-dozen or so dogs already were having a blast dogpaddling and ball-chasing around the pool.

AHSTC is at 11003 31st SW; tomorrow’s session also runs 5-7 pm.

6 Replies to "Happening now: Dog-swimming fundraiser in Arbor Heights"

  • smitty September 12, 2011 (8:06 pm)

    Channel 4 was seen leaving the area– bet they got the word by reading WSB!

    • WSB September 12, 2011 (8:23 pm)

      During my TV years, it was standard to bring every area newspaper you could find into the daily story meetings to comb for ideas. Much easier these days, just take a look at the neighborhood news sites. (Though there’s also always the chance that the announcement was sent directly to Old Media too. “Swimming dogs” is a no-brainer photo/video op.) Anyway, thanks to AHSTC for the heads-up, hope to hear more from them in the future, as I know it’s a very popular place with a lot of successful programs, like the water-polo competitors who are raising money with this week’s canine swim sessions … TR

  • Jasperblu September 12, 2011 (10:53 pm)

    Loved this! A no brainer indeed. Though I also found myself wishing I could go into that gorgeous pool WITH the pooches. :)

  • Gloria Cropper with Dog Trots September 12, 2011 (11:27 pm)

    Awesomeness! I just posted this to my Dog Trots page to let all my canine swimmers know of this fabulous news. Thanks for posting!

  • Stephanie September 14, 2011 (5:02 pm)

    Is this still going on? Sounds like a great idea, would love to take my dog.

    • WSB September 14, 2011 (5:12 pm)

      Should be! Was going to be every day this week. I forgot to include it in today’s preview, but it was daily through Sat – TR

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