Election 2012: Governor candidate Jay Inslee in West Seattle

(Photos by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
It’s not too rare for rock ‘n’ roll and politics to mix these days – and that’s what happened tonight at Morgan Junction’s rock-themed Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), location tonight of a fundraiser for the man considered to be the Democratic frontrunner for next year’s governor race, U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee. (Suggested donations, per the original invitation, ranged from $75 to $1,000.) Other top local Democrats showed up to lend their support:

That’s State Rep. Eileen Cody (top left), with Marcee Stone, 34th District Democrats board member; next photo, County Councilmember Joe McDermott (below right), with Pigeon Point’s ĂŒber-involved Pete Spalding (left) and 34th District Democrats board member Les Treall:

Unless the campaign takes an unexpected turn, it’s considered likely to be Rep. Inslee vs. Republican state Attorney General Rob McKenna in November 2012 in the race to succeed Gov. Chris Gregoire. Inslee represents the 1st Congressional District, which includes parts of King, Snohomish, and Kitsap counties, mostly north of Seattle.

11 Replies to "Election 2012: Governor candidate Jay Inslee in West Seattle"

  • Bill September 27, 2011 (10:55 pm)

    To Pete Spalding – Geaux Tigers!!!

  • redblack September 28, 2011 (6:16 am)

    i see inslee has kim thayill behind him. literally.

  • phil dirt September 28, 2011 (6:32 am)

    Inslee the carpet bagger career politician certainly will not get my vote! After Queen Gargoyle I’m sick and tired of the Dimo-crats in Olympia. It’s time for a change.

  • helridge September 28, 2011 (1:40 pm)

    Ha, redblack I noticed that too :)

  • SuitsAreNotBoring September 28, 2011 (1:43 pm)

    Inslee is actually orginially from White Center, so he was back near where he grew up.

  • ohmygosh September 28, 2011 (3:50 pm)

    White Center? He went to the same school as I did in the North End.. in my same class even.

    • WSB September 28, 2011 (4:23 pm)

      His bio says he is a graduate of Ingraham High School. Googling around, I find references that say he grew up in the Shorewood area, that say he grew up in north Seattle, and claims that he was raised in White Center. Fascinating. I will ask his people directly, just out of curiosity. – TR

  • ohmygosh September 28, 2011 (4:43 pm)

    Ingraham High School is where we went. Not sure about his earlier years.

  • SuitsAreNotBoring September 28, 2011 (5:11 pm)

    His early years were spent in White Center. His family moved up to the Ingrahan area by the time he was in high school. I have this on very good authority :) His office can clarify the details and years.

    • WSB September 28, 2011 (5:24 pm)

      Campaign spokesperson Jaime says Rep. Inslee recalls living in the area “8 or 9 years.” He also mentioned Cascade Middle School. – TR

  • visitor September 28, 2011 (5:29 pm)

    a native Washington guy who opposes the tactics in the state of Wisconsin? He’s my man! Sorry, but I do get frustrated with people who come from other states and decide they can represent Washington or Seattle voters without any real-world history here (i.e. some of the city council).

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