Story and photos by Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
Thanks to a partnership between Seattle Parks, Washington State University and 4-H, Camp Long is nearing completion of the long-awaited “Low Course” portion of the our state’s first urban Challenge Course.
Camp Long Advisory Council president David Kipnis (above) gave us a sneak peek in anticipation of the September 24th grand opening.

The Challenge Course structures, which have been appearing throughout the park, are designed to challenge groups physically, mentally and emotionally as they work their way through them. For example, the Balance Platform (above) encourages groups to find a way to physically arrange themselves across the platform to achieve balance among the group. Kipnis explains, “It’s a tool to metaphorically discuss what’s happening in your group or community.” Each structure will be given names reflecting environmental elements to inject environmental education and awareness into the program.
The Camp Long course will focus on partnering with youth groups using, as David Kipnis puts it, “experiential education to create a common language for resolution skills. I envision a Southwest community for peaceful, positive problem solving.” Camp Long received a $100,000 City of Seattle Neighborhood grant to partner with West Seattle youth organizations to train course facilitators and provide scholarships to participate in the Challenge Course program.

Camp Long Supervisor Sheila Brown is particularly excited about the progress of the low course, which she says fits with the original mission of Camp Long of teaching kids outdoor skills. The Camp Long WSU 4-H Challenge Course will also be available to organizations and corporations to reserve the Challenge Course for themselves, with costs based upon the use of a facilitator.
The grand opening of the “Low Course” (the “High Course” is due to be completed next year) will be September 24th at the East Shelter from 2-4pm. Facilitators will be on hand, and the course will be open to the public to try for free. Following the grand opening, a ribbon-cutting ceremony and fundraising activities will begin and a barbecue is scheduled for 5:30.