day : 17/09/2011 10 results

High-school football: Seattle Lutheran wins big

September 17, 2011 11:00 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools | WS & Sports

One local high-school football team in action tonight: In its home opener at West Seattle Stadium, Seattle Lutheran won big, 47-0 over Northwest Christian.

ADDED: Game summary and video, after the jump:Read More

West Seattle wildlife: Coyote and seal-pup sightings

The cameraphone photo’s from Bill Reid, who says he spotted the coyote this afternoon just north of The Triangle:

I just shot a pic of this coyote on the corner of 37th SW & Genesee! It had someone’s pet chicken in its mouth but I almost hit it with my car and it dropped the bird! Needless to say, the bird ran away and the coyote just jogged off in the direction of the West Seattle golf course. Broad daylight and it wasn’t the least bit concerned about cars and people! Amazing!!!!

Remember – do your best to make sure they’ll be concerned about people, for the good of them and us (the advice is here).

Meantime, another wildlife sighting – photographed on the Harbor Avenue shoreline by Christoph Erhard:

We have expert advice on what to do when you encounter a seal pup – for one, stay WAY far back – they might get scared into the water, and their moms, who usually leave pups on the beach so they can go seek food, might not be able to find them. Plus, notify Seal Sitters; their online journal of seal-sitting is here. (Very busy time of year for them – and thanks to everyone who’s shared seal photos, including the ones we haven’t even gotten to publish yet – we’re assured they’ve been taken from a distance.)

Also on Alki today: Walk & Roll for Ataxia

September 17, 2011 8:03 pm
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(Photos by Ellen Cedergreen for WSB)
Houston Wong was the first one back to the start of the course for this morning’s Walk & Roll for Ataxia, an annual fundraiser on Alki. He told WSB contributor Ellen Cedergreen that he was there on behalf of a friend who has ataxia, a nervous-system disorder (explained here). Ellen also caught up with Tony Lewendon, an ataxia patient who “rolled” on the course with his recumbent bicycle:

Two more photos after the jump:Read More

Coastal Cleanup Day: Dozens of volunteers clean Alki

(Photos by Ellen Cedergreen for WSB)
Continuing our coverage of a very busy day around West Seattle: Dozens of volunteers hit the beach this morning at Alki for a cleanup sponsored by JACK-FM radio. Here’s the Kazen family, doing their part:

This was one of many cleanups today around the region/state/world – in honor of International Coastal Cleanup Day.

2 celebrations in 1: Delridge Day & Skatepark Grand Opening

(Updated 8:10 pm with video clips from the skatepark dedication ceremony)

(Photos by Ellen Cedergreen for WSB)
At the Delridge Day/Delridge Skatepark grand-opening celebration dual festivities till 3 pm, fun is in the bag (sack) – or, in the bowl!

The official dedication is coming up at 1 pm, followed by pro skaters’ demonstrations, but skating’s been under way since this morning, including lessons provided by Skate Like A Girl. Delridge Day vendors include Delridge Produce Cooperative:

And of course there’s the big fundraising bake sale we’ve been mentioning, too. The festival was organized for the first time by the North Delridge Neighborhood Council.

More photos later!

ADDED 8:10 PM: First, the video! The Delridge Skatepark ribboncutting (followed by skaters launching themselves immediately afterward):

And the speakers:

And pro skater Sky Siljeg:

We also wanted to say thanks to Karen Berge and Deb Greer from the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network and West Seattle Be Prepared, who posed with Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Steve Paulsen:

They loaned us tent space at Delridge Day when things got a bit soggy.

Happening now: Happy 100th birthday, Hiawatha!

(Photos by Ellen Cedergreen for WSB)
A 5K run/walk was one of the activities kicking off today’s centennial celebration at Hiawatha, the city’s first community center. It continues till 5 pm – with opportunities to learn more about its history as an “Olmsted park”:

(Sue Nicol, VP of Friends of Seattle’s Olmsted Parks, giving a presentation)
..and also to enjoy games and entertainment – here’s the schedule. (We’ll add more photos later!)

Happening now: Fauntleroy Church’s annual 2nd-Time Sale

September 17, 2011 11:12 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news

Today’s biggest rummage-saling opportunity in West Seattle: The 16th annual 2nd-Time Sale at Fauntleroy UCC Church (9140 California SW), continuing till 3 pm. Big turnout in the early going. Donated items include a pile of pillows we’re told are courtesy of a West Seattleite who does decor aboard yachts!

P.S. If you’re looking for more rummage/yard/garage sales, check the (free!) listings in the WSB Forums’ Freebies/Deals/Sales section.

West Seattle Saturday: 15 places to go/things to do!

(Photo added 10:57: Kathleen Steele & David Haggerty @ Fauntleroy breakfast)
FAUNTLEROY BREAKFAST, SALE: This day of big events starts with the Fauntleroy Fall Festival fundraising pancake breakfast, 9-11 am at The Hall at Fauntleroy, and the 2nd-Time Sale across the street at Fauntleroy Church, 9 am-3 pm.

WALK ‘N’ ROLL FOR ATAXIA: Join a unique walk/roll-a-thon on Alki today to help fight ataxia, 3 miles or smaller loops. Register at 9 am, get going at 10. Details here.

STORYTELLING: At Kol HaNeshamah (WSB sponsor), 6115 SW Hinds, 9:30 am: The PJ Library welcomes Erik Lawson as our guest musician, with PJ Library manager Amy Paquette as our storyteller. We will be reading the book “A Holiday for Noah” as we practice the art of braiding challah.

WESTFEST, DAY TWO: Our photo is from the kickoff last night, but this is the big day for Holy Rosary’s WestFest festival, 10 am-10 pm . Local music, kids’ talent show, food, rides, games, beer garden, bingo, raffle prizes. Fun for all ages. The live-entertainment schedule is here.

WESTSIDE BABY NEEDS YOU AND/OR YOUR CAR SEAT(S): Car-seat recycling – for ALL car seats! at WestSide Baby, 10032 15th SW, 10 am-2 pm, kickoff of new expanded car-seat-recycling campaign, more details here. Even if you don’t have one to donate, they could use volunteer help today, same time/place.

HAPPY 5TH, CLEMENTINE! Fifth anniversary celebration at Clementine in The Junction, 10 am-6 pm, cake and mimosas and “mystery discounts.”

HELP CLEAN UP ALKI: Beach cleanup on Alki, 10 am-1 pm – info here.

HOW TO FIND MISSING PETS: Missing Pet Partnership Community Social, 10:00am – 11:30am. West Seattle Christian Social Hall, 4400 42nd Ave SW. Missing Pet Partnership, Furry Faces Foundation and West Seattle Christian Church are excited to bring our Greater West Seattle Animal Lovers a 90-minute Community Social and Discussion on how to find missing pets. Enjoy complimentary morning nibbles and beverages while hearing about success stories, talking with like-hearted people, and learning new skills.

REPTILE MAN! Reptile Man at High Point Community Center, 10:30 am (details here).

(Friday morning, the skatepark got some last-minute cleanup)
DELRIDGE DAY AND SKATEPARK GRAND OPENING: These are two big events adjacent to each other – the Delridge Day festival, with vendors (including Delridge Produce Cooperative selling fresh fruits/vegetables), activities, a mega-bake sale, Seattle Police Mounted Patrol horses, entertainment, more. 11 am-3 pm, at and around Delridge Community Center. Immediately north, those are the hours for festivities at the new skatepark, starting with skating lessons at 11, then the ribboncutting at 1 pm, followed by pro skaters’ demo and live music.

HIAWATHA CENTENNIAL: 11 am-5 pm, the historic Hiawatha Community Center/Park celebrates its 100th birthday, inviting you to the party. A 5K run-walk is one of the first events; see the event schedule here.

PARADE IN SOUTH PARK: It’s at 11 am, part of the Fiestas Patrias celebration – full details here.

POOCHES IN THE POOL ONE LAST TIME: Final Dog Days of Summer swimming fundraiser continue – dogs only, pool is closed for people until next year! – noon-2 pm at Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club, fundraiser for water-polo team, details here.

AUTHENTIC OKTOBERFEST:: Take part in W. Wash. most authentic Oktoberfest, sponsored by the Austria Club of Washington. Wear your Dirndl or Lederhose as you dance to Happy Hans and watch Enzian Schuhplattler perform. Schnitzel with all trimmings, plus Kirschtorte, and Bavarian beer! Just like in Munich: Oans, zwoa, G’suffa!
Location: Alki Masonic Hall, 4736 40th Avenue SW. $25 includes dinner; beverages extra – check to see if there’s still room: 425-745-0645 or

HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: High-school football – Seattle Lutheran HS vs. Northwest Christian at West Seattle Stadium, 7 pm.

WestSide Baby: Volunteer help welcome today, and carseats!

September 17, 2011 7:02 am
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(Photo courtesy WestSide Baby)
Today’s the big kickoff drive for WestSide Baby‘s expanded car-seat-recycling effort – and to get ready for that, an army of volunteers descended on their HQ on Friday, according to executive director Nancy Woodland:

WestSide Baby had an amazing crew from Microsoft Office Product Marketing Group here through the United Way Day of Caring. Twenty men and women showed up (Friday) morning and worked like crazy to sort clothes, match bottle pieces, bundle diapers and dismantle car seats for recycling. This is just in time for our big Re-Ride Car Seat Reuse and Recycling event (today), 10 am-2 pm in WestSide Baby’s back yard @ 10032 15th Ave. SW. The “wrecking crew” separated all the car seat parts so that out of about 100 seats, we will send only 1 garbage bag to the landfill. Amazing impact from a great group of people. We can use more volunteers (today) Saturday from 10-2 for all kinds of similar projects if folks have extra time.

Or at least, bring your car seat – no matter what condition – to be recycled. (Here’s our preview from earlier this week.)

Update: Fire outside J.F. Henry tackled by heroic neighbor

(Updated 8:07 pm Saturday with more information from fire investigators)
ORIGINAL 12:16 AM REPORT: A big Seattle Fire response is at 4445 California SW, which maps indicate is home to JF Henry and Company. Scanner traffic says there’s a fire on the exterior of the building but it does not appear to have spread inside. We’re on our way – more to come.

(Photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
12:26 AM: The fire is reported “tapped,” with light smoke inside but no sign of interior flames. Some of the fire units have been dismissed from the scene, but several remain, and investigators are on the way.

(Photo courtesy Brad)
No report of any injuries.

12:44 AM: Business owner Tom Henry is at the scene, talking with firefighters. Hard to tell for sure in the dark, but the damage does not appear major – some charring on the back of the building. Firefighters think the “light smoke” they originally detected inside had probably drifted in from the exterior. No word on a cause yet, though.

(Photo by WSB contributor Katie Meyer, damage on southwest [rear] corner of the building)
12:54 AM: WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand has just spoken with Tom Henry, who confirms the interior of the store is OK and he will be open for business as usual today (Saturday). He says he feels “lucky” that the fire was spotted so soon – he isn’t sure yet who called it in, but there were still people at nearby businesses Pagliacci Pizza and Spring Hill. Besides charring on the building, his recycling container was burned.

(Photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
He says he found out about it because when firefighters busted through the back door to check for fire “extension,” that set off the burglar alarm, which triggered an instant notification to him.

1:43 AM UPDATE: We just got a call from Tom Henry, after he learned the identity of the hero who caught the fire so fast – Spring Hill chef/co-owner Mark Fuller. Tom says Mark used two extinguishers on the fire before SFD arrived; he wanted to say a public thanks to Mark for being such a good neighbor.

8:07 PM UPDATE: SFD spokesperson Kyle Moore says investigators have determined that the fire started in the recycling bin, but have not determined yet what sparked it. Damage is estimated at $10,000.