Reader report: Good Samaritan gets child out of danger

Out of the WSB inbox, from Robyn W:

Around 8:30 tonight, I was driving south on Fauntleroy near the Fairmount playfield when a toddler from an apartment complex suddenly ran into the street chasing after a ball. No adult was seen coming after the child and he made it all the away across the street. I was completely stunned and pulled over. Luckily, the driver behind me also stopped his car, and went on to stop the traffic in both directions, retrieve the little boy and bring him back to his home. I didn’t have a chance to speak to this Good Samaritan, but in case he reads your blog, I just wanted to thank him for what he did. While I hope my child would never run into the street, I am glad there are good folks in West Seattle keeping an eye out for children’s safety.

2 Replies to "Reader report: Good Samaritan gets child out of danger"

  • wow August 8, 2011 (9:40 am)

    Good job! as a mother of a 3+year old this is my nightmare. So glad the child wasn’t hit. This is why I go very slow there.

  • Bonnie August 8, 2011 (4:47 pm)

    That is really wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

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