West Seattle Monday: Urban foraging with Sustainable WS, & more

(One more pic from the West Seattle Garden Tourothers here – lettuce in the Whirligig Garden)
A few highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

URBAN FORAGING: Sustainable West Seattle‘s monthly community event is outdoors this time around – meet at 7 pm, Lincoln Park‘s north parking lot (Fauntleroy and Monroe), for “Urban Foraging in West Seattle.” Not a lecture! Here’s the SWS description:

Ever wondered which “weeds” were safe to eat? Ready to take eating locally to the next level? Join us for an Urban Foraging Walk with Stewart Wechsler, local plant expert. You’ll be introduced to the growing urban harvesting movement while we tour through beautiful Lincoln Park, learning which plants make a great snack and which plants to avoid. The walk will focus on respectful and safe harvesting. Be sure to arrive on time to ensure you can find the tour group!

WEST SEATTLE COOKING CLUB: Featured here in a recent story, the club meets again today, 2:30 pm, Beveridge Place Pub. Theme ingredient this time around is “eggs.”

THIS WEEK’S WEST SEATTLE IN MOTION DEAL: Signed up for In Motion yet? You commit to driving a little bit less here and there, and you get free bus tickets plus a card that’ll get you new deals each week – this week, it’s a half-price Zipcar membership. Go here to sign up. (WSB is the media sponsor for West Seattle In Motion.)

1 Reply to "West Seattle Monday: Urban foraging with Sustainable WS, & more"

  • ummm July 18, 2011 (10:13 am)

    Whoo! West Seattle Cooking Club! I can’t wait to see how many new faces show up today, and all different interpretations of ‘Eggs’!

    I, for one, used chocolate. How? Come find out!

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