Election 2011: 3 West Seattle events/forums ahead

July 11, 2011 11:23 pm
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checkbox.jpgFive weeks till the August 16th primary – which will narrow down the field in some races, and will decide the City of Seattle tunnel-related referendum. For your calendar-marking reference, three candidate/issue events are coming up in West Seattle in the next few weeks:

First, this Wednesday night, it’s the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce/Greater Seattle Business Association co-sponsored candidates’ reception at The Hall at Fauntleroy, 5:30-7:30, register here ($10 members/$15 nonmembers and students).

Second, a week from Thursday, the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce presents a “Just The Facts” forum on tunnel-related city Referendum 1, with two referendum opponents from Protect Seattle Now and two referendum supporters from Let’s Move Forward, plus your editor here as moderator – that’s 6 pm July 21st in the West Seattle High School theater. (Admission free.)

Third, a combination ice-cream social/election forum presented by a new coalition of local neighborhood and community advocates, “Voice Your Voice,” 6:30 pm July 28th at South Seattle Community Colleges Brockey Center, with city, county, port, and school-board candidates, plus Referendum 1, all scheduled to be part of the program. According to organizer Karl de Jong, the candidates will be on ice-cream-scooping duty before the “moderated debate-style forum.” (Admission – and Husky Deli ice cream! – free; donations will be accepted for West Seattle Food Bank.)

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