2 reader reports: Summer Fest pinch; door-to-door alert

Two reader reports out of the WSB inbox tonight – first, a woman with a warning about a man she says pinched her tonight at West Seattle Summer Fest; second, a door-to-door alert – read on for both:

First, EE sent this note about half an hour ago:

I was just very brazenly groped by a stranger at the street fair. I was standing outside Talarico’s when a white man in his 50’s or so with light blonde/graying hair and wire rimmed glasses walked by me much closer than was necessary, and pinched my rear. It was obviously intentional. I chased after him to give him some choice words, and he mumbled something about how he just “bumped” me, and when I got out my phone to call the police, he took off north up California quickly. I couldn’t find an officer, but I will be reporting this to the nonemergency line when I get home.

I just want to let other women who are here enjoying the street fair to be vigilant if they are touched by the same man. I had my back to him, so for all he knew, I could have been a 16 year old girl (I’m short). I can’t imagine someone’s daughter being made to feel this disgusting by the same man.

From CK:

Two young people came by our house on 39th, south of Morgan, selling magazine subscriptions. The magazines purchased would be sent to our men and women serving our country overseas (yah, right). My kind, generous wife purchased two while I was on the phone. When they left, I knew it was a scam. I followed them down the street to ask for a refund and they obliged, although they were very snippy about it. I think they just wanted to not cause a scene and risk loosing future targets. The young man was wearing a grey tee shirt, the young lady a green sweatshirt.

Just wanted to alert our neighbors in the Morgan Junction area!

3 Replies to "2 reader reports: Summer Fest pinch; door-to-door alert"

  • CMeagh July 9, 2011 (11:13 pm)

    EE- I was at the pirate landing this morning with my wife and a few friends. A man matching that description walked past my wife and her friend mumbling something and was extremely close to the back of the women. He didn’t grope them, but it stood out because we were on the sidewalk near the bike path and he had about 10ft. of room to get past us, and he choose to pass within inches of the two women. We thought it was weird at the time, but didn’t think much more than that because he didn’t touch either of the women. I am not sure if it was because I was there and watching him as he walked by or not.
    I hope there isn’t more than just one man doing this.

  • littlebrowndog July 10, 2011 (6:03 am)

    Somebody get really quick with their phone and get a picture of the groper.

  • EE July 10, 2011 (2:34 pm)

    I so wish I had been fast enough to get a picture of him. It seemed pretty obvious that he was there specifically to grab women. I just hope he can keep his hands to himself today.

    Stay vigilant, ladies!

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