West Seattle story: ‘Just saw the BEST … act of kindness’

Sarah posted this on our recently relocated West Seattle Blog Facebook page. With her permission, we’re republishing here:

Just saw the BEST good Samaritan act of kindness! A blind man was lost in the middle of California Ave at the bottom of Gatewood Hill. Walking back and forth between all lanes of traffic.

And a man on the side of the road tried to help but accidentally scared the man. So the woman in the car that had stopped opposite of me got out of her car, realized he was scared, put her foot in front of his cane, and helped him to the sidewalk. It was so awesome to see. I just wanted to share. If she happens to see this- thank you!

4 Replies to "West Seattle story: 'Just saw the BEST ... act of kindness'"

  • MsEvelyn May 1, 2011 (7:12 pm)

    Love that! It is not always “easy” to help someone but it is always right to try…

  • fortune May 1, 2011 (9:44 pm)

    Was the blind man wearing a bright yellow safety vest?

  • Simon May 1, 2011 (10:46 pm)

    I think I saw him around lunch time in front of Cafe Ladro. The girl from Ladro was helping him crossing the street.

  • Eilene Hutchinson May 2, 2011 (9:19 am)

    Being lost is frightening, being blind would be extremely difficult, trying to cross heavily traveled streets can be daunting. A huge “thank you” to the lady for helping him safely cross the street.

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