West Seattle scene: Neighbor says ‘Thanks, SDOT’

Kam shared that photo, reporting: “SDOT just finished with the first phase of repairs on Shore Pl. Thank you to the A-team pothole-repair crew!” According to Kam, it was a three-person team – truck driver plus Reneé and Leon with the asphalt. (Shore Place is right off Beach Drive, recently dubbed “Pothole Drive” – here’s a location map; and here’s the city’s “pothole-report map.”)

4 Replies to "West Seattle scene: Neighbor says 'Thanks, SDOT'"

  • Me May 7, 2011 (7:19 am)

    Would be nice if they would “find” 35th Ave. SW from Roxbury to Morgan! So many potholes they really need to repave the whole street!

  • Robin May 7, 2011 (11:32 am)

    And more kudos to the pothole-repair crew! There was a small sink hole on Admiral that larger trucks and busses would drive over and literally shake my house. I called the pothole number from the link on WSB, and they were there the next day – filling the hole. The house no longer shakes anymore. Thanks pothole-repair crew.

  • sick of speeding Rox May 7, 2011 (11:54 pm)

    Of course the neighborhoods where the income is higher are able to get work done. I have been trying to get speed limit signs on SW Roxbury between 30th and 35th for the past two years.

  • dottie May 8, 2011 (8:10 pm)

    unfortunately, Me, the ‘pothole’ crew has already “repaired” most of that section of 35th. the holes were back within a week. we get to still contend with the same potholes and now we get pelted with the gravel substance that’s laying in the road that came out of the “repaired” holes.

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