West Seattle Tuesday: From neighborhoods to nightlife

(Charlestown water tower by smohundro from the WSB Flickr group pool)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS: Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting, Admiral Congregational Church basement meeting room (California/Hill), 7 pm, agenda including the recent labor protests at the Admiral Safeway construction site (with the union and the targeted subcontractor planning to send reps); also scheduled to be at the meeting, City Councilmember Tom RasmussenFauntleroy Community Association board meeting, 7 pm, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW).

STUDENT ART EXHIBIT: Opening reception for student art exhibit IDENTITY at South Seattle Community College Art Gallery (6000 16th Ave SW), 12 – 1:30 pm at Jerry Brockey Student Center. Click for gallery hours and information about future exhibits. – See full details here

PTA MEETING: Sanislo Elementary School PTA meeting, 6:30 pm

PERSONAL SAFETY NETS: Personal Safety Nets free lecture and workshop at Alki Arts (2820 Alki Ave SW), 7-8:30 pm. Led by Judy Pigott and Ben Kaufman (for info, call 206-659-0665).

POETRY CONSULTATIONS: At High Point Branch Library (35th/Raymond), 6:00-7:45 pm, members of poetrybridge will be present to comment on poems (works in progress.) Poets are asked to call the branch to register – 206-684-7454.

FAMILY STORY TIME: At the Seattle Public Library‘s Delridge Branch, it’s “Family Story Time” with Amy at 7 tonight (Delridge/Brandon).

NIGHTLIFE: Rock music trivia at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm … singer-songwriter night at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor), see the calendar here … Open-mike night at Mac’s Triangle Pub (drum kit provided!), 8 pm.

BENEFIT CD CO-PRODUCED BY WEST SEATTLEITE: “Every Mother Counts,” co-produced by David Legry of West Seattle, goes on sale today in participating Starbucks stores, with $8 from the sale of each CD going toward maternal-health programs in coffee-growing countries. Legry worked with Christy Turlington to create the multi-artist benefit effort, with a long list of stars participating, including Patti Scialfa (preview her song here). Turlington explains the effort here (companion to a forthcoming documentary she produced).

SPACE-SHUTTLE DECISION: With the Museum of Flight just over the ridge, we’re watching to see what NASA announces at 10 am our time – will Seattle get a shuttle?

4 Replies to "West Seattle Tuesday: From neighborhoods to nightlife"

  • mtnpeak April 12, 2011 (9:12 am)

    What a great photo!

  • Bill April 12, 2011 (10:38 am)

    No shuttle for us.

  • sam-c April 12, 2011 (10:39 am)

    yeah boo, no shuttle :(

    • WSB April 12, 2011 (11:00 am)

      Yes, thanks, we were noting that on Twitter.

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