Two notes in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon. First, from Jeff:
For the 2nd time in the past 3 months we have had packages stolen off our front door that were delivered by UPS (w/online confirmation of delivery). We live (in the 900 block of) SW Austin Street [map] and the our front door can only be seen if someone is coming from the East of SW Austin (i.e. someone coming from the apartments on the corner of Holden & Highland Park). I spoke to a UPS driver the other day and mentioned that there have been reports of packages stolen from previous posting on the blog but, he wasn’t aware of any recent incidents.
Meantime, a followup on Wednesday’s SWAT standoff at the Seattle West Inn (which will temporarily close as of Monday, as reported here yesterday) on Wednesday.

Police responded to our request for more information with the narrative from their report. It includes new information, including a mention of something we had heard on the scanner but not had confirmed till now – that the man has a record. Read on:
On 3-30-2011 at about (5:08 am), officers were dispatched to investigate an incident outside the West Seattle Inn, where it was reported that a shirtless male was outside the building screaming at the building and refused to leave. It was reported that he was incoherent.
After officers arrived, the victim was found on the 3rd floor of the motel, in front of (a room). He was shirtless and his chest was covered in blood. In his left hand he held what appeared to be a personal shaving razor. As officers approached and tried to converse with him, he said, “I’m not going back to jail.” He then quickly ran back into his room and locked the door. While in the room he proceeded to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom holding what appeared to be a knife-like glass obect. (Officer) maintained a visual on the victim through an uncovered window and continued to attempt to engage the victim in conversation in order to facilitate compliance with officers’ request to provide him (the victim) with medical attention. The victim appeared to be still bleeding. Backup officers arrived and contained the scene. (A sergeant) recognized a shotgun shell on the bed. Officers were then instructed to adhere to more safety precautions.
SWAT and HNT officers responded and took control of the scene. Eventually, the victim was placed under control, SFD provided medical assistance at the scene. AMR responded and transported the victim to Harborview Medical Center. A Mental Health Contact Report was completed and left at HMC.
During the incident, the victim’s aunt responded and provided more information about the victim. She reported that the victim was being treated for a variety of (mental illnesses) … She reported that he is also a “meth addict.” She reported that the victim was released recently from prison and had done time on some assault charges. She also reported that in a recent episode he had threatened his uncle. She did not know if he was taking his medication. She also reported that she noticed he had been delusional, irrational and hearing voices that were not there.
During SWAT officers’ observation of the victim, they reported they were witnessing displays of “excited delirium.” I also observed the victim’s irrational actions of hiding from the police with the window curtains in open position and hiding in the bathroom, occasionally looking around the corner to see if the police were still there, even though he could hear the police knocking on the window and calling his name.e I heard him say several times that he is not going to jail even though it had been explained to him that officers were not there to arrest him but merely provide him with access to medical treatment for his wounds. Several times he displayed his paranoid state by picking up and holding a knife-like “shard” that appeared to be made of glass.
While at HMC, I spoke with the victim. I explained to him that SPD was at the scene to help him because he was bleeding. … I asked him what happened and why he wouldn’t let the police help him. He responded by telling me that he was trying to kill himself … He said that he “punked out” because he did not do what he knew he should have done after he did it. I did not completely understand but I continued to listen.
To summarize the rest, the man was under the belief he was wanted on criminal charges – but was not (police verified, no warrants in the system). He acknowledged he had earlier obtained “hot meth.” Police explained to him that they were seeking involuntary commitment for him at the hospital. And they went on to ask just that (whether it was granted is a matter of confidential patient records, so we don’t know for sure), saying he was a danger to himself and others.
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