Remember Kellen Gearon, the West Seattle High School senior who launched a drive to collect donations for foster kids via Treehouse? He’s working on a new fundraiser – but first, words of thanks about his Treehouse project: “Thank you to everyone who so generously donated to my Drive for Foster Kids. It was a huge success. With all the community support I received I was able to collect over two large containers of clothes and items and $225 in cash donations. Treehouse will be able to better serve foster kids because of this.”
Now, he’s sent word of a chance to get a deal while helping out the WSHS baseball team, which he’s on. Once again this year, WSHS gets to play at Safeco Field – but needs to sell 1,000 tickets for an upcoming M’s game (it’s a team fundraiser too). So they’re offering $10 view seats for the May 5th 7:10 pm game against Texas. Here’s the official flyer. Kellen’s selling tickets through Menashe and Sons Jewelers in The Junction (4532 California SW) – or call 206-932-4272 and ask for Kim Gearon (Mondays-Fridays, 8:30 am-5:30 pm).
As for the Wildcats’ big game at the Safe, it’s at 4 pm Saturday, April 30th, against the Highline Pirates – and admission will be free.