Happening now: West Seattle Nursery’s 28th annual Open House

It’s one big outdoor party till 3 pm at West Seattle Nursery, as their 28th annual Open House continues. Above, that’s WSN general manager Marcia Bruno stopping by the Sustainable West Seattle tent just outside the nursery’s California SW entrance, as she circulated with treats. If you bring a tool to donate to the newly relocated West Seattle Tool Library, you get a coupon for $5 off a WSN purchase – within 15 minutes of the open house’s start, they already had a donation! Steps away, Scratch and Peck FeedsDennis sported a memorable hat:

And he in turn was steps away from Don Driftmier‘s Magna Cüm Latte espresso stand … free drinks!

Free seminars too (chickens were the theme for the first seminar of the day, led by Bonnie, who was wearing the rest of the chicken suit). Two more years, by the way, and WS Nursery will be celebrating its thirtieth anniversary.

1 Reply to "Happening now: West Seattle Nursery's 28th annual Open House"

  • Yardvark April 10, 2011 (9:13 am)

    I dig how a lot of our local busineesses seem to really get the importance of connecting with community and working closely with community groups. West Seattle Nursery seems to be one of the leaders in that regard. Smart folks!

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